Sync woes

Community Member
edited November 2014 in Mac

I didn't want to post this publicly, but couldn't find a way to reach support through normal channels. I have used every version of 1password from the beginning and faithfully upgraded. Of course, like others I lost iCloud sync when version 5 for my iPhone and iPad was updated to remove it - without warning or any notice that perhaps I might not want to update. It was promised in version 5 for the Mac as a free upgrade. I moved to Dropbox sync, which as others have noted, works infrequently. None of my devices have talked to each other for periods of up to 3 weeks! So now I need to move to a $40 Mac store version just so I can properly sync. Wifi sync didn't work with my iPad and getting another Mac to sync requires a shared folder... and Agilebits has not supported iCloud from the webstore version.

I do not recall receiving an email telling me why I should consider changing to the App store version (might have been buried somewhere in an email - not sure), don't remember anything about the App store version being on sale - or why I should care. Now after several $100 of original purchases and upgrades, the only solution - start fresh. Very disappointing. If I didn't have such a huge investment of time and money already in 1password, I would punt.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2014

    Hi @stanwatt‌

    Given you've made the effort to come to the forums I think it's best to let Dave explain this. Short answer is this isn't how we (I'm still getting used to saying that) wanted this to turn out.

    It isn't the case that we're simply not supporting iCloud any more from the webstore version, it's Apple have restricted what applications are allowed to use CloudKit and iCloud and the restriction is its MAS only. There is also no way to mass transition users from one to another, I believe no way to offer a discount to a subset of potential buyers (which is why everybody can pick it up at a 30% off at the moment and not use existing users). Despite how nice it is to have the Mac App Store in many ways it could be viewed as quite primitive.

    I won't say Dropbox is perfect but I'm surprised if it's barely working and not syncing for weeks at a time. Having mooched around the forums for a while I wouldn't say one sync is better than another in terms of reliability but in the spirit of transparency I use WiFi sync myself. If you want, we can do some troubleshooting for both Dropbox and WiFi, it depends on how you feel about those sync methods or if you've got your heart set on iCloud.

    AgileBits is a pretty small company and choices made by Apple, Dropbox even Google with Android sometimes have a big impact and we have to roll with the punches. I know it's not what you want to hear - sorry.

    Don't forget, if you want to give Dropbox a kick in the pants we're here to help! (if you wish).

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