Message "Merge files" in iOS devices

Community Member

Hi, I noticed my iOS devices 1PW (Desktop V4.4.3 in Mac 10.9.5, iPhone 5.1.1 in iOS 8.1) have not been synced for quite sometime. iOS file is much older so I need to sync (update) it with my Desktop data. I performed a sync from the iOS device. But then I was presented with a message that the file needed to be merged and the apps suggestion is not to merge.

Just for your information, my Desktop and MacBook Pro sync properly via my Dropbox account. I also use Dropbox account for my iOS devices (iPhone 5s and iPad Air) for syncing.

If that is the case, can I removed the 1PW apps on the iOS devices which also removed its data file. Then reinstall the Apps and let it pull the data from my Desktop using Sync?

BTW as you noticed from above that my Destop V4.4.3 vs iOS V5.1.1. Is that a problem when I sync? I pressed the "Check for Update" on my Desktop version, it said I had the latest update. It did not let me update to V5.x.x. I had the Web download version instead of App Store Version.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @FWL 1Password 5 for Mac is Yosemite only so you are up to date for your version of OS X. Now given you're using Dropbox you're fine for syncing between the different versions, in fact thanks to CloudKit being restricted to iOS 8 and Yosemite only Dropbox is probably the best way to sync between 1Password 4 and 1Password 5.

    Now as long as you're confident that your data on your mac is current and there's nothing to lose by wiping your iOS copy of 1Password then you can but you don't need to delete the app to do so. In Settings : Advanced there is an option titled Erase Data and Settings - it'll achieve the same effect you're after. There's a good chance merging would work out fine but I have to confess, if I knew my mac was all correct I'd probably wipe my iOS device too - in fact I probably have in the past I'm sure.

    Let us know how you get along.

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