lost master password

Community Member
  1. I have lost my master password and am unable to us your product. How do I reset everything to start again? I have removed all folders from container and the problem remains. (Version 5.0.2 from the Apple Store)
  2. I also have the app for my phone.
  3. I choose this use name as there are subjects like this which are private and i resent that I need to post on a public forum to get assistance.


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    See this knowledge base article for how to start over. You didn't mention which version of 1P you are using so I've linked to the 1P5 knowledge base article. However, the procedure is in essence the same for both 1P5 and 1P4.


  • agileAINT
    Community Member

    Dear Stephen,

    It would be more helpful if you actually took the time to read my post. I list that I have version 5.0.2 from the Apple Store). Furthermore, you would see that I have followed the advice from the article and it has not improved the situation. How many I get in touch with an actual tech support person?

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @agileAINT‌ I do apologise for overlooking that you gave your 1P version number: very sorry about that. However, it's certainly not clear from your original post that you followed the steps indicated in the article to which I linked. You merely said:

    How do I reset everything to start again? I have removed all folders from container and the problem remains.

    There is a specific procedure you have to follow to start over (which involves stopping 1P mini) and if you don't follow that it won't work. That's why I linked to that knowledge base article.


  • agileAINT
    Community Member

    I wrote
    I have removed all folders from container and the problem remains.

    Your link had the following instructions
    Step 2: Locate and move the existing data folder
    The following instructions differ depending on whether your purchased 1Password from the Mac App Store or from our online store.
    If you use the Mac App Store version of 1Password:
    Open a Finder window and choose Go > Go to Folder. Copy the following text into the dialog and click the Go button: ~/Library/Containers
    Locate the folder named 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper and drag it onto the Desktop.
    Reboot your Mac.

    Clearly the same thing.
    It does not work.
    Once again, you have not read what I wrote.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni


    The forums aren't the only avenue of support but they can be extremely useful, if a general issue is experienced by more than a couple of people a single thread can assist not just those that have posted but potentially others coming along and finding the proposed solution. It isn't viable for all issues, we never suggested it was. A classic example would be if a member of staff requests a diagnostic report we would make it clear not to post such information here in the forums.

    If you've followed the instructions Stephen_C linked you to step for step I think we will ask for a diagnostic report to see if we can identify where it's going wrong.

    I'd like to ask you to create a Diagnostics Report from your Mac:

    Then attach the entire file to an email to us: support+forum@agilebits.com

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

    A short note here once you've sent the Report in will help us to keep an eye out for it. :)

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

  • PatB
    Community Member

    I am using ios - and have the same issue. I was using it so often with the finger print, I cannot remember my master password. Anyway, can someone give me a link to the "how to start over" for ios ? I tried my best, I couldn#t find it. ;-/

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @PatB,

    Sadly if you've become very accustomed to just using Touch ID then there is the risk of forgetting your Master Password. Getting the balance right between convenience for the user with Touch ID and ensuring you don't forget your Master Password (most easily achieved through the repetitive action of entering it) is tricky and I'm not saying we've achieved the perfect balance yet. I've always felt safe because I use my Master Password every day on my Mac.

    Now if you've definitely forgotten your Master Password (which I am sorry to hear) then at least starting over on an iOS device is reasonably easy. Simply delete the app and all the user data associated with that app is automatically deleted. In fact it's something to be aware of any time you delete an app; unless it stores its data in iCloud or Dropbox it will always be erased when you delete the app. Having deleted the app simply reinstall it and you're free to create a new vault.

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