1password Mini is not showing some of the entrys
Dear 1password-Team,
i have some issues with 1password5/mini running on OS X Yosemite. 1password mini ist not showing some of my saved entrys - i.e. Skype. When i search for Skype, mini does not find the entry as well as when i'm trying to find it manually via the categories in the mini-Menu.
When i'm opening the full 1password-application i'm finding the entry immediately. I'm syncing over dropbox, and on the iOS-Version the entry can be found easily too. Only 1password mini is not showing it.
I already checked if 2 instances of mini are running - at first there were two (from 1w4 and 1pw5). I deleted the old 1pw-app and actually theres only the new mini-application running, but this didn't solve the problem.
Any ideas?
Have you emptied your trash as well as deleting 1P4? You need to be sure you have no other copy of 1P on your disk, or on any disk attached to your Mac. You might also try re-booting to see if that helps.
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Hi @derfritz,
There's one other thing I'd like you to check here as well. In the main app, edit your Skype entry and check the 'display' option towards the bottom. Is it set to 'Never display in browser' by any chance?
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I had the same problem and indeed, "Never display in browser" was set ! Thanks, problem solved.
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I'm so glad to hear that we got things sorted out for you - thanks for letting us know! :)
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the show always at the bottom of the password worked for me. i had not changed it - heck didn't even know it existed. how does something like that get changed?
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also, you mention that only 1 instance of 1P should be on the computer and external disks. in this is raised two questions:
i have version 3 installed on this mac. i've an older iPad that only runs version 3. now i close v.5 and fire up v.3. sync the old iPad. close v.3. if i'm only to have one version, what's the solution for hardware that does not run the current iP version?
does the comment "or on any disk attached to your Mac" apply to a disk image that's attached. if so, pretty bad for diligent backup.
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Hi @47beideman
The default is all Logins are set to display Always so the only reason I'm aware of is if it's been manually changed. Is it possible it was changed accidentally at some point in the past? I notice it's quite easy on 1Password 3 to do this (or so it seemed to me).
I did wonder if it was some oddity between 1Password 3 and 1Password 4/5 but it isn't.
You should be okay to run 1Password 3 alongside 1Password 5, the problem is more to do with multiple copies of 1Password 4/5. It's specific to Yosemite and due to the wrong processes being launched (outwith our control). Given the differences between 1Password 3 and the newer versions you should be okay until Apple resolve this.
Let us know if you have any more questions and we'll try and help as best we can :smile:
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thanks for this.
i'm stupid. you're right. the setting got changed with the last version upgrade of v.5. (i was fine, seeing all, and then bang!)
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Glad to hear things are working as they should @47beideman :smile:
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The "Never display in Browser" tip solved my problems. Thank You!
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That's great to hear @derfritz :smile:
I think's that everybody covered. I call this a success :smile: