iOS 1password still contains items deleted from Mac 1passwrd

Community Member
edited November 2014 in iOS

Hi I have OS X 10.10 with 1password 5.0.2 and on iOS 8.1 with 1password 5.1.2 with the pro features and I sync on Dropbox.

If I delete something in the OS X version of 1password it still appears in the iOS version of 1password even after a manual synch.

How do I make the iPhone recognise things which are deleted? I also restored a couple of items from the trash in Mac OS X version but they also, don't appear to be synched across to the iOS version.

I also had a problem whereby the iOS version was insisting that its version of the password was correct - it would push the password up to dropbox overwriting a newer one from OS X. I think I fixed it by removing 1password from the iPhone, restoring the data from a backup on OS X and pushing the synch out, then reinstalling it on iPhone and re-synching via Dropbox. But the user needs to be able to disable this behaviour. I will RARELY add or change on the iPhone, mostly I use it to VIEW passwords. If I change passwords or add them I do it in the OS X version almost exclusively.

There are probably who knows how many passwords corrupted / reset to old versions in 1password which I will only find one by one and utilising the websites password reset features.

I'm starting to lose confidence in the quality of the data that 1password keeps, and if it continues to have these types of problem, I will change to another password manager if there is a competitor that has stable synching..


  • Good morning @scotartt‌ and thanks for taking the time to write in. If you check in Settings > Sync on your iPhone when did it last sync? If it has been more than a day then you may have been bitten by a bug in 1Password 5.1.1 that we fixed in 5.1.2. You will need to disable Dropbox syncing by tapping on Settings > Sync > Sync Service and then Change Dropbox on the following screen. From there, just setup syncing again and you should be all set.

    Let me know how this works out for you and if there's anything else we can do to help.

  • scotartt
    Community Member

    Hello @MrRooni‌

    Yes, it says it synched two days (but there may have not been any changes in those two days). It's version 5.1.2. This is after I deleted it off my iPhone and reinstalled it. App Store says it last updated on the same day I did that (15 Nov).

    I did as above and 1password reported "The operation couldn't be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1001)", but its showing me the Dropbox Vault. Then it's giving me the "Vault Mismatch" gumpf. This is where you need to have a option that says - The VAULT is right, overwrite your internal db"

    Is it worth switching to iCloud synching?

  • Good morning @scotartt‌. Sorry about the confusion with that "Vault Mismatch" warning. If you tap More Info it will actually give you a button to merge the vaults anyhow. Review to make sure the vaults are actually the same and then give that a try.

  • scotartt
    Community Member

    @MrRooni‌ Sorry, yes I know how to get past that dialogue; there's just times when I don't need it to "merge" but to "overwrite" (usually overwrite the iPhone's version). 5.1.2 seems to be ok with syncing now, I have not noticed any issues with older data overwriting newer data.

    Still, is iCloud sync any better / more reliable?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @scotartt‌

    Thanks so much for clarifying! There is no option currently to overwrite existing data when resetting sync. If you do want to wipe the data from your iOS device and start fresh with the datafile stored in Dropbox, there is a 'Erase data and settings' option in Settings > Advanced ... but we don't recommend using this unless you're certain there is no data on your iOS device that needs to be preserved. In any case, 1Password has gotten pretty good at merging data these days - it can detect which edits to an entry are newer, and ensure that those are properly saved.

    I'm glad to hear that Dropbox seems to be behaving for you! I wouldn't say that iCloud is better/more reliable. We do our best to ensure that each sync option works seamlessly for users. The different options are provided so that users can select the option that best meets their unique needs.

    I hope sync works perfectly for you from now on, but if you have any further questions or concerns, we're here to help!

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