Compatibility with Mac and iOS legacy versions of 1Password
Hi Friends,
unfortunatelly I am running old and new stuff, for given resons I have to keep 1Password 3 on iPad1 (because that allows only ios 5.1.1) and 1 Password 4 on iPhone 3G (because that allows only ios 6.1.1) - I will switch the remainders (Ipad2 and MacMini) to 1 Password 5 as soon as the compatibility is given or workarounds are identified.
A Friend is using 1 Password 5 on Mac and 1Password 4 on iPhone 4, so I tried Synch via WLAN and Dropbox - neither worked. So I am staying with 1Password4 for the time being.
I understand from reading most of your threads dealing with compatibility that the following seems to be the case:
1Password 5 : synchronization via iCloud is only possible with 1password 5 (iOS 8 and Yosemite) caused by Apple/iCloud changes - seems to be a given
1 Password 5: synchronisation with 1 Password 4 should be possible via Dropbox and WLAN . Is that confirmed?
Unfortunatley I dont get that to work, even if all Dropbox files are deleted and both devices are disconnected from dropbox. WLAN - same NOGO. Can you help????
1 Password 4: synch to 1Password 3 neither possible with iCloud nor with Dropbox nor with WLAN - are there workarounds?
1Password 3: synchronisation via Dropbox/WLAN only possible with 1Password 3. Is that the only workaround, to install multiple versions of 1Password on one machine? I dont really plan to do that...
For the old devices I dont really need permanent synch, it would be sufficient to just update and overwrite all local data every once and a while.
Can that be done by some kind of file exchange, e.g. using the backup files? Or are the internal storage formats of 1 Password generated files of different 1Password versions also not compatible?
I am running a local Apple-Club and there is a lot of frustration in the community because of these incompatibiöities. Please help me with workarounds. I hope my writing is not too confusing...
Greetings from germany
Hi @Bernhard at Lake Constance
There have been two significant points in time for synchronisation since 1Password 3 was released.
The first was with the release of 1Password 4. 1Password 4 was a total re-write. They took the codebase for 1Password 3 and pushed it to one side. At that point Wi-Fi sync changed and 1Password 3 for iOS lost the ability to sync with Dropbox due to an API change on their part. The next big change was with the release of CloudKit, one of the new iCloud's frameworks which 1Password 5 uses. The trouble is CloudKit is limited to iOS 8 and Yosemite only. At the same time Apple limited access to CloudKit to MAS and iTunes app store only.
- 1Password 3 for iOS can only sync via WiFi and then only with 1Password 3 for Mac.
- 1Password 3 for Mac can still sync to Dropbox because on OS X the Dropbox client handles everything (1Password 3 for iOS used an API that they deprecated). As 1Password 3 for Mac can sync to Dropbox it can still synchronise with all versions of 1Password 3 and higher regardless of the platform.
- iCloud sync is only possibly between homogenous groups. You can still sync instances of 1Password 4 as long as you haven't upgraded to iCloud Drive and you can sync instances of 1Password 5 if you have upgraded to iCloud Drive. What you can't do is mix 1Password 4 & 5 and sync via iCloud.
What you will struggle to do is sync two iOS devices if one is running 1Password 3 and another is running 1Password 4. You would need 1Password 3 for Mac and I think that would sufficient. You would use WiFi sync to sync with the 1Password 3 for iOS device, and then store the keychain for 1Password 3 for Mac in Dropbox. You could then sync your 1Password 4 iOS device with that.
With the exception of 1Password 3 for iOS though, everything should be able to sync with Dropbox so if you're running into particular problems please let us know and we'll see what we can do to assist.
0 -
Thanks for the quick answer.
I just succeeded in dropbox synch of 1Password 5 between Yosemite and ios 8 and 1 Password 4 on ios7. Maybe when I last tried and it was NOGO, there were still old data in the Dropboy or one of the 3 devices was still connected or whatever. One small problem popped up on 1Password 4 on ios7 (here is a screenshot):
Hidding "do not merge" didn´t do anything. "Weitere Infos" brought up some more Dialogues I just confirmed - resulting in a working sych plus some 13 old entries were still on the ios7 iPhone which dont really hurt. Looks like those old entries are not in the dropbox but only locally stored. I assume I can delete those on the ios 7/iPhone.
Thanks for your support, actually that means good buye iCloud, Dropbox is just fine!
The legacy 1Password 3 iPad1 with ios 5.1 will go into a museum soon....(also will solve that problem)
Bernie0 -
Thanks for the update Bernie! Glad to hear you were able to get this working. :)