Website not working with 1Password

Community Member

After many different attempts including manually creating the login, auto saving the login, and manually saving the login I'm unable to get 1Password to work with:

The Password field works perfectly. Its the User Name field with does not save and/or populate properly. I've inspected the web page source code and cannot find the issue. I've assigned different web form fields as the 1Password ID to no avail.

Please help me figure out the problem.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @drolling‌

    Okay, I don't understand why just yet but what happens if you click on the User Name field before you submit using ⌘\ If I don't click on the text box it won't fill, if I click on it prior to trying to fill in with the extension it seems to work.

    I just can't explain why. Let me know if that does indeed work for you.

  • drolling
    Community Member

    Hello @littlebobbytables‌
    Yes that work consistently. Now for the rest of my problem - my wife's interests and talents reside outside technology. She quickly took to adopting 1Password, but I have little hope of getting her to remember to use ⌘\ on that one specific site. I look forward to getting the standard method (click on the browser icon and select the choice) to work on this site.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @drolling‌

    I've created a bug report on your behalf so hopefully we'll get to the bottom of it :smile:

    ref: OPX-675

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @drolling,

    I look forward to getting the standard method (click on the browser icon and select the choice) to work on this site.

    One thing you could do is edit the Login item and change its submit option to Never submit:

    That would make it be possible to click in the Enter User Name field on the page after using the "standard method" once, using it a second time to get the field to fill, then clicking Log in to miAccount to manually submit. No keyboard shortcut usage required. :)

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