remove 1Password 1 Click Bookmark
I have just installed 1password 5 and its safari extension and uninstalled 1password 3 including its safari extension. There still seems to be a file for the 1Password 1 Click Bookmark somewhere since it shows up when I use alfredapp to use the browser extension. How can I remove this file so I only get the 1 password browser extension in my search results, which as i understand is the replacement for the 1Password 1 Click Bookmark?
I now get 2 1Password mini icons showing in my menu bar. So it seems that some parts of 1 Password 3 was not removed when I deleted the app? How can I fix this? Do I need to remove 1password5 and reinstall?
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Here is a link to an AgileBits page with a downloadable uninstaller for removing 1P3.
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Hi @sejo,
@Stephen_C's instructions for removing 1Password 3 should do the trick for that. Then you just need to make sure that you've only got 1 version of 1Password installed on your disk, which you can do by simply searching Spotlight for 1Password and ensuring that only one of them shows up. Empty your trash, too. Once you've done that, I recommend a reboot. If you're still seeing two mini icons in the system menu bar after that, let us know and we can dig into why. You definitely don't want two minis running at once as they'll conflict with one another.