The Beta Release Many of Us are Waiting For

Community Member

I've noticed many of the most recent beta releases are fixing things with WiFi sync (a good thing) but I think I speak for most that use 1PW that syncing to other systems on our LAN is nowhere near as important as syncing to an internet host we can rely on regardless of where we are with respect to our mobile devices.

The BETA release I keep hoping will show up in my notification center is that we've got iCloud sync back online. I've read that this is a bear of a task and yes DropBox sync works OK (although compared to when I was syncing to the old iCloud DropBox was slow compared to it). During this interregnum of iCloud sync I've had to, on at lest 5 instances, force sync my mobile devices back to DropBox because it said it was syncing but in truth it was not. It comes under the heading 'i-dough-no' because if I try it enough times it then works for a while until I notice it's not working again.

My experience with the once working version with iCloud sync was that it was more reliable for this -- my experience.

So I suppose this is encouragement to those you've locked up in a dark room and are sliding meals to though a slot every day that are writing the code to make iCloud sync possible again.

Oh, and getting Touch-ID working on the iPhone -- AWESOME! Much much better.


  • Hi @jjnoel,

    Sync has receive a lot of attention in our version 5.1 update. We've made lots of improvements and fixed many bugs with Dropbox, iCloud, and Wi-Fi sync.

    The new iCloud sync in 1Password 5 using CloudKit works quite well (much better than the old iCloud sync in version 4). I personally use iCloud sync, and it's been working great for me in version 5. One of our founders, Roustem, wrote blog post about our reasons for switching to CloudKit. (Unfortunately, iCloud sync is not possible in the beta/web store version... you need to use the Mac App Store version.)

    And if you're having trouble with Dropbox sync, we're happy to help get things sorted out for you. Please let us know if you need any help.

  • jjnoel
    Community Member

    Ha! So either I'm beta testing updates to an old version of 1PW (5.0X) or somehow I missed the turn back to iCloud sync on the Mac. I'll check when I get home. Thanks for the heads up. If I'm using an old version I guess it's related to my license being granted as an Apple employee and the App Store updates are out of the loop for me. I suppose then I'm glad I said something although I feel foolish. If I'm using 5.0X Ill check out the App Store version tonight.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jjnoel‌

    Keep us in the loop :smile:

  • jjnoel
    Community Member

    Ahhhh. Now I see WHY my 5.1Beta13 iteration of 1PW does not work with iCloud. Ironic too in that I work for Apple. While I've read the release blurb with each beta release of what now turns out the be the webstore version of 1PW beta I did see the release message that iCloud sync would stop working and need to be rewritten from the ground up but NEVER did any other release message that I noticed say 'Hey, iCloud will NEVER work with this thread of 1PW again so stop looking for it to be fixed.'

    This kinda leaves me in a quandary in that I don't see the benefit of constantly pulling down the beta's when I've now been forked off to the, what I imagine will be, the lessor used forked version of the application.

    I have no right to complain really. As an Apple SE I got the beta license free. Yet considering iCloud keychain syncing is getting better and better it's kinda a waste to spend $50.00 to get the App Store version just to have iCloud sync.

    At least I feel less dumb for thinking iCloud sync is returning to the webstore forked version. It was never made clear. I completely understand why iCloud kit is restricted to the App Store and how complex the turn had to be for Agile.

    Still it leaves me a tad cold that I went so long waiting for it to return only to find out from a my clueless post here that it won't be returning to my specific beta version. It's OK. I'll just stick with this version for now.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jjnoel,

    I'm so sorry that we didn't pick up on this earlier. Our beta version is built from the webstore version of 1Password, so it will not be able to take advantage of iCloud sync.

    This kinda leaves me in a quandary in that I don't see the benefit of constantly pulling down the beta's when I've now been forked off to the, what I imagine will be, the lessor used forked version of the application.

    We have no intentions of slowing development on the webstore version. There are a lot of benefits to selling directly from our website, so both the AgileBits webstore version of 1Password and the Mac App Store version will be developed concurrently.

    Again, I sincerely apologize for the confusion here. If you have any further questions, we're here to help!

  • jjnoel
    Community Member

    Eh, it's no problem at all. I was just not in the loop on it. Still as an Apple employee would prefer to be syncing to our network storage and will probably get the App Store version and drop the beta in the near future once all the mad spending on Xmas is absorbed. LOL

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jjnoel,

    Thanks so much for your understanding! I can see how iCloud sync might be a good fit for you as an Apple employee. :)

    I certainly hear you on the mad Christmas spending ... hope the holidays are not too hard on your pocketbook!

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