Unsecured HTTP page message
I just tried to install 1password for mac. I know some aspects are working but not looking my email is opening up through password. Also when I get onto instagram it gives me an error message saying "1password: Thisis an unsecured HTTP page, and any information you submit can potentially be seen and changed by others. This login was originally saved on a secure (HTTPS) page. Then it asks "Do you still wish to fill this login?" My Instagram and Twitter accounts were hacked and trying to make sure I correct issue. I think I have control of my instagram account now...but not making any posts until I am sure it's secure . Still can't access my Twitter account...waiting on twitter to get back with me. Any help is greatly appreciated, I am not tech savvy so having trouble here.
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@CA_rayy I have split your post from the topic in which you posted as it's not related to that topic.
You are seeing that message because you saved the original login from a secure page (https://) but are now trying to log in on an unsecured page (http://). You should be able to overcome the problem by opening the page from 1P. Have a look at this page in the user manual about using a saved login.
If you're still having problems post back and I'll move this thread to the 1P for Mac forum (where it properly belongs).
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Stephen, i thought I had saved the login. I am opening though the 1password. How do I make sure "new" login is created for my insta account. I am really way over my area of knowledge here.
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@CA_rayy as promised I have now moved the thread to the 1P for Mac forum, where you will get more help. For a start, have a look at this knowledge base article on saving a login. You will find a lot of help in the user manual, of which the linked article is a part.
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Hi @CA_rayy
I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble here! Could you give me a bit more detail on accessing your Logins? @Stephen_C's suggestion above is to use the main app or the mini to open the URL, which should work in this case. This will ensure that you're using the https version of the site (which was originally saved when you created the entry.)
Here's how to use 1Password to open your Logins:
from the main app
- Find the Login you wish to use
- Click on the URL in the item's details
- 1Password will open the page and fill your details
from the mini
- Use ⌘⌥\ ( Command-Option- \ ) to open 1Password mini
- Start typing the name of the Login you wish to use
- Hit 'Enter' when the correct Login is selected
- 1Password will open the page and fill your details
If you need to create a new Login, here's how: Save a New Login Manually
I hope this helps, but we're here for you if you have any further questions!
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To be completing honest, I am technologically challenged! I thought I followed all the steps in the installation process. I thought that I logged into each application..instagram.com, facebok.com etc. I did this when I was adding logins to my vault. I want to make sure 1password is the one creating my passwords so they are secure. My passwords were not. I am getting the error message above when I log into my insta account. I was hacked on saturday and lost control of both my instagram and twitter accounts. I was successful in I think gaining control of instagram account briefly yesterday and then was hacked again. I was able to change password and email associated with account earlier this morning but hesitant to do anything until I know everthing is secure. I want to make sure that the password is generated by 1password before I make changes to my instagram account and alert hacker I am back in control. Also, I don't think that I linked my emails (I have 2) correctly to 1password either.
I apologize for all the questions. Wish there was tech support who could be here to walk me through it.
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Where would I go to find out what I need to do to link my laptop with 1password to my iPhone? Do I just need to download app on my phone? I want to be able to access my account from my phone.
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Hi @CA_rayy,
Sorry to hear that some of your accounts have been hacked, but I'm glad that you're using 1Password to help make them more secure for the future!
Let's start by walking through creating a new Login item for your Instagram account account in 1Password and then changing the password. Here are the item creation instructions:
- Open this page in your web browser: https://instagram.com/accounts/login/
- Enter your current Username and Password, but do not click the
Log in
button yet. - Click on the 1Password icon in your browser’s toolbar to open the 1Password extension and unlock your vault if required.
- Click the gear icon and select Save new Login from the menu.
- Give the new item a unique name (like Instagram-NEW) so you can easily recognize it later, then click
Now you can click
Log in
on the Instagram page so that you're signed in, ready to change the password for your Instagram and update it in the newly-created Login item in 1Password:- Click your Instagram icon/username in the top right and select Edit Profile, then click Change Password in the left sidebar.
Follow steps 3 through 6 in this guide (that uses Gmail as an example): Changing a saved password
- In step 3b, you'll want to hover over the new Instagram-NEW item you just created, copy its password in step 3c, and paste it into the Old Password field in step 3d.
- In step 4, you'll use Password Generator to generate your new strong, secure password.
- In step 5, you'll fill the New Password and New Password Confirmation fields.
In step 6, Instagram's Change Password form with its filled fields and
Change Password
button will look similar to this:
When you reach step 7 of the guide the 1Password Update Login will look similar to this:
Before clicking
, make sure your new Instagram-NEW item is selected:
And at this point you'll have a new Instagram-NEW Login item in 1Password with the new password for your Instagram account!
@Megan's reply #6, and the guide for using a saved Login, explains how you can test your new item to make sure it's working properly. Once you're satisfied with it you might want to delete any older Instagram items and edit the new one to change its title.
This reply's already a bit long so let's stop here and address your other questions in a separate post. :)
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Hello again, @CA_rayy!
You wondered about this:
Also, I don't think that I linked my emails (I have 2) correctly to 1password either.
I'm not sure what you mean. Can you describe more about that?
And you asked:
Where would I go to find out what I need to do to link my laptop with 1password to my iPhone? Do I just need to download app on my phone?
You'll want to install 1Password for iOS from the App Store on your iPhone. But first, at least before running it, I suggest taking a look at the syncing choices for 1Password on your Mac:
Syncing your 1Password data - 1Password for Mac
Note: It is only possible to sync with iCloud if you installed 1Password from the Mac App Store.
If you configure to Sync with Dropbox or Sync with iCloud on your Mac first, then you can easily set up 1Password on your iPhone to sync with its data with steps in the Setting up 1Password for iOS section of this guide:
Existing 1Password user - 1Password for iOS
If you do decide to set up iPassword on your iPhone first without syncing you can always configure syncing there later. This guide has an overview:
Syncing - 1Password for iOS
I hope that gets you on track with syncing 1Password data between your Mac and iPhone!
And there's plenty of other useful information in both User Guides:
1Password 5 for iOS User Guide
1Password 5 for Mac User Guide
Plus we're always here to answer more questions and help with any trouble you're having. :)