1password 5 won't open in Yosemite

Community Member

I upgraded my Macbook Air to Yosemite (10.10.1), and as a result had to download 1password 5. I have not been able to successfully open 1password 5 yet, I get the error message "1password failed to connect to 1Password mini. Please restart 1password, if this does not help, please contact AgileBits support"

I have restarted 1Password many times, uninstalled it and re-downloaded, and this problem persists. What do I do?


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @stamenjulie‌

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with 1Password here. Let's try quitting 1Password one more time, this time ensuring that we quit both the main app and 1Password mini, and throw a system restart in as well, just to be safe:

    • Open 1Password.
    • Click the 1Password menu, hold down the Control key, and select Quit 1Password and 1Password mini.
    • Restart the Mac.
    • Relaunch 1Password.

    Please let me know if this helps - if not, we'll investigate further!

  • stamenjulie
    Community Member

    Hi @Megan‌

    It won't allow me to quit 1Password and 1Password mini. While it is trying to start up I get the spinning ball, which won't allow me to click on anything. When it finishes the attempt I get the error message, and quit in the menu is grayed out, and quitting via the error message is my only option.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @stamenjulie‌

    I realise you've tried uninstalling it and re-downloading based on your first post. If you haven't performed this precise set of steps though can you please do so and report back.

    1. Drag any copy of the 1Password application that you have on your computer to your Trash and and then empty the Trash. Make sure there aren't any copies in your Downloads folder (depending on where you downloaded 1Password from)
    2. Reboot your Mac
    3. Download a fresh copy of 1Password from the same place you purchased it, so via the App Store if you purchased from Apple's Mac App Store or from https://agilebits.com/downloads if you purchased directly from us and install into /Applications/ if necessary.

    If that doesn't resolve the issue please ensure you've launched 1Password at least once and observed these problems and then submit a diagnostic report.

    I'd like to ask you to create a Diagnostics Report from your Mac.

    Then attach the entire file to an email to us: support+forum@agilebits.com

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

    Once you've sent the Report a post here with the ticket ID will help us to keep an eye out for it. :)

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

  • stamenjulie
    Community Member

    You're my hero @littlebobbytables‌ ! My 1password is working again. I think that the crucial step that I hadn't taken was deleting the previous download attempts from my download folder.

    Thank you, and @Megan‌ for your help.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    I'm happy to hear it's all working again @stamenjulie‌ :smile:

This discussion has been closed.