Password change on OS X vault FOREVER not synced to iOS

Julia Altermann
Julia Altermann
Community Member

Hello there,

I've experienced this problem before, but thought it was a glitch, but now I'm stuck again. I changed the password to 1Password itself on the Mac almost 2 months (!!) ago to comply with our new company guidelines. Since the new password wasn't optimal, I changed it again.

1P on my iPhone and iPad have STILL not picked up the newest password but are still using the original one! It's been over two months, I've made the change because of security concerns, and the iOS apps are simply not getting that change. Why? The data is syncing fine, why is this CRUCIAL information not being synced as well?

It's not only a serious flaw in security, it's also super annoying because I keep struggling to remember the password; obviously, it shouldn't even be in use anymore. I changed my sync from Dropbox to iCloud to Dropbox with the occasional WiFi sync thrown in, in the hopes of forcing the iOS apps to realize that there's a new vault password, but no change.

As I said, this is the second time this has happened to me in the past 1.5 years and it makes me wary of changing my vault password, which shouldn't be a big deal at all. I'm even starting to avoid using 1P on my iOS devices (which makes mobile life really inconvenient) because I don't know which password to enter anymore.

To me, this is a bug. Maybe there is reasoning from the developers side why this has to be this way, but it's a terrible user experience.

I love 1P, I've been using it religiously for years, but this particular aspect is a major let down.

Sorry for the rant.



  • Nathaniel
    Community Member

    Hi @Julia Altermann‌,

    The master password should sync automatically between platforms, but I have noticed the same issue. What I tend to do when changing my master password is either reinstalling the app on iOS or changing my master password on both platforms.

    I hope that this works for you. All the best!

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Julia,

    Normally, your Master Password should sync to all computers/devices when you change it on one. However, there is a known issue that can prevent the new master password from syncing via iCloud sync. Our developers are aware of this and are working on a fix. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience! For now (and as @Nathaniel mentioned) the workaround is to manually change the Master Password on your iOS devices to match the new one.

    Again, I'm sorry for the trouble here. Our developers are working on getting this fixed soon!

  • Julia Altermann
    Julia Altermann
    Community Member

    Thanks for the tip to change the master pw on iOS. I never considered that, always afraid that it would affect the master password on the Mac. I just did this and I hope nothing bad will happen :)

    Thank you for the reply guys, much appreciated!

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    You're very welcome, Julia! :) If you need anything else, we're here for you.

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