1 password for any website

Community Member

Hello, can I configure 1 login so I can use it on any website? Thanks


  • Ben

    Hi @skatya‌

    I'm not sure I follow. Could you please elaborate? You want one login item that would be used to login to every website you have an account at?

  • skatya
    Community Member

    Yes, you understood me right. I have similar login and password on every website I use, and I want to create just 1 login item in 1password, so I don't need to create separate login items for each website. Thanks

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited December 2014

    That's a really bad idea, to have the same username and password for every site you use! But if you insist, it might work to include the URLs for every site in one Login record. You might give that a try by editing one of your records to include a URL from a second site and see how it goes.

    Edit: But everyone should take to heart the answer from @Drew_AG‌ in the post below this one.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @skatya‌,

    Thank you for the clarification. We actually don't recommend doing that, because using the same password on different websites makes your information on those sites much less secure. If just one of those websites were breached and hackers got your password for that site, they would have your password for all the other sites where you use the same one. We have a great article about this on our blog:

    Here's another blog article with a more recent example of why you should use a different password for each website:

    Now, aside from those reasons, using the same username & password on all your websites might not actually be possible, because sites have different requirements for login credentials. They might require usernames or passwords to be a certain length, or contain certain combinations of letters, numbers, and/or symbols. So a username or password you use on one site might not be allowed on another site. Also, one of your sites might require you to change your password at some point. There are various other reasons why a single Login item might not work for all your website logins.

    One of the major reasons for using a password manager like 1Password is so you can easily keep track of all your different website usernames & passwords without needing to memorize each one. 1Password makes it very easy to create Login items for each of your website accounts: Create a Login item

    Hopefully this helps, but please let us know if you have more questions about that. Thanks! :)

  • skatya
    Community Member

    Thanks for your help:)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    You're very welcome! :D

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