Touch ID issue when thumb on home button before launch

Community Member

Anyone else getting a frozen screen after opening if 1) you put your finger/thumb on Touch ID 2) open the app 3) app registers the Touch ID input 4) screen freezes, is a little greyed out, but you can see your favorites and can't do anything. The only way to get my phone to work again is to turn the screen off. Not even clicking the home button works.


  • Ben

    Hi @deanlyoung‌

    While I haven't been able to reproduce this personally (it works fine for me to have my finger on the fingerprint reader as I'm launching 1P) we have heard some reports of this difficulty. It seems the only solution at the moment is likely the most obvious one and that is to avoid having your finger on the reader while the app is launching.

    Our developers are aware of the issue and are trying to track down where the problem actually exists.



  • deanlyoung
    Community Member

    Thanks for the super fast reply, @bwoodruff‌ !

    Old habits die hard, I guess... I actually do this a lot to speed up the login time, whether it's opening an app or unlocking the home screen. My guess is that the freezing has to do with 1Password's slow opening or opening animation, but I'll leave that to you guys ;-)

    Incidentally, this seems to only be an issue with 1Password as there is no issue with Apple's iTunes Connect app, Mint Personal Finance, and others.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @deanlyoung‌,

    Thanks for the additional information about that! Hopefully this will be resolved soon. In the meantime, please make sure you've installed the latest iOS 8 update, as I believe that has helped some customers who reported a similar problem.

  • Paco II
    Paco II
    Community Member

    Just curious if this issue was ever fully acknowledged and if a fix is coming? Quite annoying.

  • Ben

    Hi @Paco II

    We do know that this happens, but as far as I'm aware we have not found a reliable way to reproduce it. It never happens on my device, for example.

  • Bandini
    Community Member

    Searched the forums for this very problem. Happens to me every time. I keep my finger on touchID while opening the app. 1Password lock screen "opens", but the system banner for TouchID stays on screen. I can choose to cancel the banner, and after that it dismisses the banner but 1Password is grayed out, and it doesn't react to touch. I continue by locking and unlocking the screen. If you need photos I can provide.

    "Please find a way to fix it" almost goes without saying.


  • Ben

    Thanks, @Bandini. I've added your comments to our bug on this issue.

    ref: OPI-2068

  • iceout
    Community Member

    I am experiencing this same issue. Screenshot attached.

    If I am able to come up with a reproducible process I will post an update

  • Ben

    Thanks, @iceout. I've heard that for a number of folks updating to iOS 8.2 has resolved the issue, but for others it has not. If you haven't updated though it may be worth giving that a try. :)

  • iceout
    Community Member

    I was just going to update my post:

    I am running iOS 8.2 and 1Password 5.2.1 and still running into this issue.

    I did have this same problem before and after the release of iOS 8.2 as well as before and after the release of 1Password 5.2.1

  • Ben

    Thanks! If you do come up with a reliable way to reproduce it please let us know. This is still one of the top bugs we're looking into.

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