How do I update Saved Form Details?

Community Member

I used to be on 1Password 4 and upgraded to 5 a while back. I already have the Pro features.
Now I need to update a custom field value in the Saved form details, but can't seem to figure how. Please help.


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    You can't do that in 1P for iOS. You can do it in 1P for Mac.


  • AshwiniGupte
    Community Member

    So how do I use 1Password on iOS to log in to websites that require an additional field (for e.g. a VPN security code) along with the usual username + password when it won't allow me to set up a new login with a custom field nor allow me to update the saved form details on one that already has the custom field. All I want to do is update my password (not the custom field). And I don't want to shell out $50 for the Mac version!!

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @AshwiniGupte,

    I'm sorry you're having some trouble with your Login item!

    All I want to do is update my password (not the custom field).

    If that's all you need to do, no problem - if you already updated your password on the website, go to the Categories section in 1Password, find and view the Login item, then tap the Edit button at the top. You will be able to edit the password field.

    If you haven't changed your password on the website yet, the following article from our User Guide should be helpful: Changing a saved password

    Hopefully that helps, but let us know if you still have questions.

  • AshwiniGupte
    Community Member

    Thanks @Drew_AG - but updating the password in the in the Login Item does not work (which was my first action anyway) - it continues to use the password that is saved in the Saved Form Details.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    @AshwiniGupte, that seems very strange - updating the password field should also update the password in the Saved Form Details. Does anything change in the Saved Form Details after you make a change to the main password field in that item?

    You had mentioned that this is for a site that has 3 fields on the login form - username, password, and VPN security code. I'm not sure if that's related, but can you let me know what you see in the Saved Form Details screen? We don't need to know your actual login details of course, just the field names shown there. Please feel free to post a screenshot of that (making sure to edit out any confidential info first). Also, if any fields are concealed there, tap them and choose Reveal - does each one have the value you expect to see?

  • AshwiniGupte
    Community Member

    @Drew_AG, originally when I had to change my password, I did exactly that - changed it in the password field, but it did not update the saved form details. Subsequently in trying to resolve the issue, I deleted the entry completely and recreated a brand new one. I had not tried changing the password on this one until just now - and now it worked! I am wondering if it had anything to do with the upgrade from 1P 4 to 5 as that previous entry was created in 1P 4. Also I noticed that in the Saved Form Details, the fields are username; password#2(=password from the main entry); password (=VPN Code); btnSubmit (= Sign In, the name of the button on the screen). If I recall correctly, the password field on the Saved Form details was updated to the new password but left the password#2 unchanged. I can't be totally sure though, but I think so.
    So at least that is resolved, but now my problem is that the Saved Form Details on this new entry has this new additional field btnSubmit which it didn't have before. And this makes it Submit before I can actually type in the VPN Code - even though I have "prompt to open websites" turned off (which is not what I want for all my other logins!). Then the login fails and the process is not at all a smooth one, like it used to be. But at least it keeps the login values in the fields on the iOS devices - but not so on my Chrome extension on my laptop, where I just have to enter in each value.

  • Ben

    So at least that is resolved, but now my problem is that the Saved Form Details on this new entry has this new additional field btnSubmit which it didn't have before.

    Unfortunately at the moment the only way to change that is from one of the desktop products. We do have an evaluation version available that should allow you to make the changes:

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