How to change language?

Community Member

A few days ago, I had to replace muy Mac. I changed from Macbook Air to new Mac Book Pro retina. When I reinstalled 1Password I realize that Categories and other elements changed to English, and I had all in Spanish in my old Mac Air...
I have tried to change, but I do not found any place to change that..
It is peculiar that all menus in the App are in Spanish but all elements are in english... How can I back to all written element become to spanish?

Any idea? When I re-installed on my new Mac, was through App Store.



  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mtejeda‌,

    Thanks for taking the time to write to us :smile:

    Please make sure that you change the language in System Preferences > Language & Region, then please reboot you Mac. This should do it, I just tested here.

    Hope that this helps :wink:

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