App URL Schemes for quick app launching?

Paco II
Paco II
Community Member

Is there any way in 1Password to include an app's custom URL scheme with a login entry, such that I could copy the password, then tap on the URL scheme to quickly launch the app and go right to it?

If not, anyone else think this would be a great feature to add?


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2014

    Hi @Paco II

    iOS introduced a new feature called Extensions. AgileBits was pretty quick off the mark and we have not just our Safari extension so you can fill in logins from within Safari but we also have our generic Extension which others can include in their apps. This would allow you to log in using the extension just like you might already do in Safari. More info (aimed at developers) is here.

    The reason I'm mentioning this is my understanding was custom URL schemes (in general) were a workaround until we got Extensions. Now we have them it would seem a good idea to use what Apple have supplied given both require individual app developers to support them.

    Disclaimer: I'm not an iOS developer.

  • Paco II
    Paco II
    Community Member

    Hi littlebobbbytables, thanks for the reply. Some apps may never make use of Extensions, such as some financial apps. My suggestion was more of a shortened workflow idea. Instead of going into 1P, copying the password, exiting 1P, finding the specific app, launching app, and then finally pasting in the password, my suggestion would reduce the number of steps to get the password entered. I think it is unlikely this suggestion will happen since so many apps don't even have a customer URL scheme, so there is no real motivation for AgileBits to implement. My hope is that as more and more apps add native support for 1P, that eventually the 'big' company financial apps will implement as well.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Paco II

    Thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it!

    My hope is that as more and more apps add native support for 1P, that eventually the 'big' company financial apps will implement as well.

    Funny, that's our hope too! ;)

  • Paco II
    Paco II
    Community Member

    This is something I mentioned early on, when the first sneak preview of the 1P extension went live, and I'll repeat now (because I love 1P): I hope you guys are actively trying to get the 'big' financial apps to add 1P support, and not just passively hoping they will add it just because it is getting traction.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Paco II‌,

    To be honest, it's more helpful for those companies to hear about this from their customers than from us. We certainly try to get the word out as much as we can, but big companies need to know that there is customer demand for something like that.

    If you contact a company to let them know you'd like to use 1Password in their app, you can send them a link them to this blog post so they can find out how it works and see how easy it is to implement: Introducing the 1Password App Extension for iOS 8 apps

    For information about 1Password integration in other third party apps, please see our Extension FAQ. Towards the bottom of that page, you'll see a few sections about 1Password integration in other apps.

    We really appreciate all the support from our awesome customers! <3

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