1password and apps

Community Member

Does using this software mean that iOS apps are redundant ie do you always have to use the web version?
For example do I have to use ebay via the web rather than the iOS app?


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @csbev‌

    It is true that we can't interact with other apps unless they integrate our extension, much like Safari (although Safari is a special case). So in some ways it may seem easier to use a web site and then the 1Password extension. I don't think it makes genuine iOS apps of some sites redundant though. Even though logging in might be harder e.g. switching between it and 1Password and copying your login credentials in a worst case scenario, you may find the iOS app of certain sites is just much easier to navigate and use because it's a well constructed app. Now if an iOS app is merely a wrapper for the web page then you'll probably see no advantage at all.

    So I don't think it's a black of white answer. It's probably a case of trying both and deciding which is a better solution for you.

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