Trouble syncing 1Password on multiple devices > iOS7, iOS6 and OS10.7.5
Since I don't have the most recent/same versions of 1Password on all my devices, they are using different methods to sync and so I've got different vaults in play. It looks like the two vaults are currently about 98.5% similar -- 1Password v4.5.3 on my iOS 7 iPhone has 132 items and was last updated on Dec 15, while the Dropbox Vault, used by my mac running 1Password 3.8.22 via OS 10.7.5, has 155 items and was last updated Dec 22 (today). Oddly, it looks my iPad running 1Password v4.3.2 via iOS6 seems to sync via both iCloud and Dropbox without saying vaults are mismatched.
I'm trying to figure out what issues might arise if I try and merge vaults, but can't seem to find much info on what happens when you "merge" Vaults that don't match.
Hi @Annoying_Buzz,
Thanks for taking the time to write to us and for sending us all the details about your devices involved in sync :smile:
Given your setup (1Password 4 for iOS and 1Password 3 for Mac), the only sync solution available for you is Dropbox sync. 1Password 3 for Mac is not capable of iCloud sync.
When you merge un-synced vaults, 1Password will try and solve the merge conflicts by using the items' modification date. So item from the device with most recent modification date will win. However, if you created a Login named "A" on device 1 and created another Login named "A" on device 2, while the devices were not in sync, you will end up with two Logins named "A". This is because each item has a unique identifier which is assign to it when it is first created.
Am I right to assume that your Mac contains all of your up-to-date information? If that's the case, we should try to force your iOS devices to use your data from your Mac. Please note that we will start over on your iOS devices by erasing their 1Password data, meaning that whichever data present on your iOS devices and not on your Mac will be lost.
Please let me know if you want to opt for this solution.