WiFi sync to Mac doesn't work

Thomas Okken
Thomas Okken
Community Member

I installed 1Password 5.1.2 on an iPhone 5s running iOS 8.1.2, created a vault, and added a few secure notes.

I installed 1Password 5.0.2 on a MacBook Air running OS X 10.10. I set the master password.

On the Mac, I select Window -> WiFi sync, and give it a folder to sync to.

On the iPhone, I go to Settings -> Sync -> Start Syncing -> Sync using WiFi.

In the WiFi sync window on the phone, I gather that the Mac is supposed to show up, but it doesn't. Phone and Mac are connected to the same WiFi network. What am I missing?


  • Hi Thomas,

    Just to confirm, have you enabled Wi-Fi sync on your Mac?

    Please make sure you've checked the Wi-Fi sync box (under the sync preferences):

    If you've already done that, please let me know and we can investigate further.

  • Thomas Okken
    Thomas Okken
    Community Member

    I did have that checkbox set. However, I did goof first time around: I had a VPN connection running on the Mac and that made everything on the local network invisible to it. Doh!

    So today I tried again, no VPN this time. On the phone, the Mac was recognized immediately this time around, but when I tried to sync, on the phone I got the message "sync started", but then nothing happened. No records appeared on the Mac.

    Ever since, when I try this again, 1Password on the Mac claims "Last synced: X seconds ago" when I bring up Window -> WiFi Sync, where X is in actual fact just the amount of time that has passed since launching the Mac app. Nothing gets synced. On the phone, the Mac is not recognized any more; that only worked once and now I'm just as dead in the water as I was when I had the VPN on, except now the Mac app is lying to me about having synced all the time.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Thomas Okken

    In your first post you mentioned giving Wi-Fi Sync a folder to Sync to. My suspicions is you have both Folder Sync and Wi-Fi Sync enabled and the Last synced: message is actually in reference to Folder Sync. If you have a Change Syncing... button you are definitely syncing with another method besides just the Wi-Fi Sync.

    I think that will explain part of your issue. If you were to turn off Folder Sync with the Change Syncing... button we can eliminate that source of confusion.

    As for why Wi-Fi Sync isn't behaving. Can you try rebooting both your Mac and your iOS device please. Then, can you check the Bonjour names for both devices, what you're looking for is to see if either device has renamed itself and added a (2) to the end which breaks all manner of Bonjour related stuff.

    • On your Mac you can view it in System Preferences > Sharing and it's the Computer Name field at the top.
    • On your iOS device it's in Settings > General > About and it's the Name field at the top.

    Let us know if that helps and if my suspicions over the Last synced: message were correct or not.

  • Regis33
    Community Member
    edited December 2014

    Hi guys, I have the same problem as Thomas.

    I am running the last version of OSX and iOS on all my devices with 1password 5.1.2. I tried restarting my iMac, iPhone 6 and iPad mini, it didn't help. I erased and reinstalled the iOS app didn't work. I changed my iMac name as it renamed itself with (6) and my iOS showed (2). First I tried with (2) didn't work then I changed it for a generic name didn't work. The error message I get is : Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=60 "The operation couldn't be completed. Operation timed out".

    Any idea? I sent you a diagnostic report to your support team.

    Thank you

    PS : "wifi to sync" box is checked and syncing over wifi was previously working as a charm

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Regis33‌

    After repairing the damage done to the computer names (deletion of all the (n) postfixes) did you follow it up with a reboot? You may find it necessary to do so to get all the devices to stop seeing the old names.

    If that still doesn't help can you let us know the results of trying to Create an ad hoc network, just as a troubleshooting step - we don't expect it to be how you use Wi-Fi Sync on a permanent basis.

  • Thomas Okken
    Thomas Okken
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables‌: You were right about the Folder Sync. I turned it off, so now it's only WiFi sync.

    On the phone, the Mac showed up again, but the sync is still failing. On my first attempt, the Mac showed up with its correct IP address, but I got the message "the host is down" (or words to that effect; unfortunately, I forgot to take a screen shot). On the second attempt, the Mac showed up again, still with its correct Bonjour name, but now the IP address was "null". On the third attempt, the Mac didn't show up at all.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    HI @Thomas Okken

    Can I confirm that this is all happening after rebooting your Mac and iOS device(s)?

    As a troubleshooting point, can you see if Create an ad hoc network helps at all? It isn't meant as a solution, merely a way to try and help identify what the problem is. If that works it might be worth trying to reboot your router too. Let us know the outcome.

  • Regis33
    Community Member

    Hi @littlebobbytables‌, I didn't follow it by a reboot at first but I did it now, and it still doesn't work. I see the new name on all devices and the old one is gone. Creating an ad hoc network didn't work either. The error message is exactly the same.

    As a temporary fix, I exported all items from my iMac, moved them over to my MacBook Air and synced my iPhone and iPad with my MBA, it worked well. There is still something wrong with the iMac.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Regis33‌

    Well that's incredibly annoying but that's some nice troubleshooting by you to help narrow down the issue.

    I'm guessing you really want it performing Wi-Fi sync with your iMac though. If you're willing can you set up Wi-Fi Sync between the two again (which I'm assume is going to fail again) and then send us in a couple of diagnostic reports as follows.

    I'd like to ask you to create some Diagnostics Reports, one from your iMac and another from the iOS device you try to sync with.



    Then attach the entire file to an email to us: support+forum@agilebits.com

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

    Once you've sent the Report a post here with the ticket ID will help us to keep an eye out for it. :)

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

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