Update when major password hack

Community Member

Since the frequency of major break in security in main websites (Amazon, ebay...) is increasing would it make sense for 1password to remind you to change the password for the affected sited when news of major hacking are released?


  • SeanFoster
    edited December 2014

    Hello @laurentperche‌,

    We have a service within the 1Password for Mac app called Watchtower which performs that function. We update the service when there are major, confirmed security breaches on websites across the world wide web and it will notify 1Password users it's time to update their passwords! Have a look at our blog post from earlier this year for more details.

    Just head into 1Password's preferences and click the Watchtower tab to enable the service. :smile:

    Let me know if you have any follow-up questions.


  • laurentperche
    Community Member

    Hi Sean,

    This is awesome.

    Sorry for the late reply. I did not get an email notification about your reply and just thought about that question I asked so went on the forum to check.

    Again thanks. you guys rock !

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @laurentperche‌

    I'm glad SeanFoster was able to answer your question to your satisfaction. As far as the forums go, you can change the defaults.

    1. Click on your name at the top of the webpage.
    2. Click on the Edit Profile button.
    3. Click on the Notification Preferences link in the sidebar.

    From there you can select what will result in an email being sent. One useful one might be Notify me when people mention me. as that is what the @laurentperche‌ is.

    Let us know if you have any further questions :smile:

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