1Password 4.4.3 and Mavericks 10.9.5 Proxy WPAD Settings.

Community Member
edited December 2014 in Mac

Good Morning,

I am just posting this because I didn't see it in anywhere. But here is the solution if it is being looked for if you are having problems with 1Password 4 and Mavericks and a Proxy Server that uses WPAD (DNS and DHCP based).. (Auto Proxy Discovery) using a squid based proxy. This may help with corporate users of 1Password or the paranoid. :) I would advise for the network administrator of the proxy server to look at this post to incorporate the fix. It isnt fixable by just clicking settings.

Seems Mavericks doesn't respect "Bypass Proxy Settings for these hosts and domains:" When you select "Auto Proxy Discovery".

Not sure if be design or not. But this will have to be fixed by the Administrator of the Proxy. I will include my WPAD file for Reference. The person that works on the Proxy would understand where this goes, or should and know how to incorporate the changes into the proxy server. You need to make sure that the Proxy allows direct connections to localhost, aka See the line for for what is needed to correct the issue.

function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
    var local_domain = "*.internaldns.domain*";
    var resolved_ip = dnsResolve(host);

    if (isPlainHostName(host)) {return "DIRECT";}
    if (shExpMatch(url, local_domain)) {return "DIRECT";}
    if (isInNet(resolved_ip, "", "") ||
        isInNet(resolved_ip, "", "") ||
        isInNet(resolved_ip, "", "") ||
        isInNet(resolved_ip, "", ""))
   {return "DIRECT";}

   return "PROXY x.x.x.x:3128;"

Hope it helps.



  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    @jhorsman‌ I'd like to thank you for posting :smile: Proxies are a pain in the ass so this sort of thing is brilliant to know - thank you :smile:

  • jhorsman
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables No Problem.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Makes me wonder, why isn't the local loopback address excluded by default? Clearly I need to attend Networking 101.

    ref: DOCS-355

  • jhorsman
    Community Member

    Well. There might be use cases where someone doesn't need it talking to a localhost over a web browser connection. But everyone has different use cases for everything. So flexibility is a good thing. Just gotta make sure it is all configured properly otherwise breakage will occur. :D

    Side note:

    http://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202232 It is by design. So proper WPAD configuration is pretty much mandatory.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jhorseman,

    Again, thanks for this - it's awesome to have such helpful users! All the best in the coming new year. :)

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