Using Tags like folders
Using V5.1.2
I want to use an existing Tags for a new entry but there is no list of Tags which I could choose an existing Tags name. (Same as the folders)
It seems that I need to remember all the Tags created and rewrite the name tag again.
Not every efficient. Do you have a solution ?
Hi @EDumont, welcome to the forums!
If you haven't already done so, please take a look at this article from the User Guide. You should see a list of your Tags in the Organize section in 1Password (you will need to have Pro Features in order to see the Organize section).
When editing an item, you can edit tags for that item (you won't see a list of tags in the Edit view, but you'll see which tags have already been added to an item).
Hopefully this helps to explain how tags currently work in 1Password 5 for iOS, but let us know if you have more questions. :)