Database portability

Community Member

Hi, let me start by saying I think you have a great product and provide an invaluable service in the 21st century. I however am not yet convinced and could use some expert knowledge. The biggest thing that will keep me from using your product is portability. If I am going to spend any amount of time building something, in this case a database of sensitive personal information I must have ownership of that data. That means if for any reason I no longer wish to do business with your company I don't lose my data. For me that database would be a very valuable possession but at the end of the day it must be mine and completely portable. I wouldn't bank, for example, with a bank that only allowed me to spend their proprietary dollars if that makes any sense.

I noticed two formats for creating vaults as I am sure your aware. ".agilekeychain" which I can intuit is your format, and ".opvault" which I was not able to find much information on given as of yet. I will continue researching potential products all of which I'm sure your aware of given how active I have seen your customer support staff is. Very impressed by the way, to see members of your support staff answering user concerns on 3rd party forums ex. : :smiley: cheers @Megan

I look forward to discussing this further I really hope to be a customer, I would probably sign up every member of family as well given I manage all their I.T. anyways, if the portability of said databases is guaranteed.

Thank you for your time

~Connor aka. HighMaintenaceConsumer :wink:


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    I'm not sure I have the answers you want, but your data is always yours and yours alone. And as long as you have a computer the will run the version of the software that you've been using, you can export all your data in a variety of formats that are readable by even a plain text editor. Of course, those formats aren't encrypted. You can also print all your data to paper and put it in a safe deposit box.

    Not sure if that helps. I expect others with more knowledge than mine will chime in.

  • Connor
    Community Member
    edited January 2015

    Thank you @hawkmoth‌ for the comment and I don't disagree however I don't like being locked in to a service by technology that is not reusable elsewhere. It may be idealistic in a free market but such is my right. That being said I am a very loyal customer to companies that I believe embody the spirit of said free market by making a product that customer love and could leave anytime. I don't personally like being "locked in" to a product. I will always be an iphone customer because its the best product for me, and I say this having tried windows phone and android because the app markets employ the same system, once a customer has invested money into the app eco system they know they are less likely to switch.

    I am passionate about technology and work in the industry so I'm picky but I will sing the praises of those that win my seal of approval. I know that matters to some people.

  • Ben
    edited January 2015

    Hi @Connor‌

    With 1Password for Mac you can always export your 1Password data to a human readable (and thus importable) CSV file. You can also print and/or PDF your data. Obviously you need to be very careful with any of these files or printouts as anyone who gained access to them would have all of your 1Password data.

    This post may also be of interest:

  • Connor
    Community Member
    edited January 2015

    Superb thank you! I am almost embarrassed to have posted given how succinctly that article answers all my questions! Fantastic article as well with rich comparisons and historical context @Jeff my compliments. I am more then impressed, i'm a fan, and a happy customer thank you!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Connor,

    I'm so glad to hear that Ben was able to help you find the answers you were looking for! Thanks so much for choosing to support 1Password. :)

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