Sync between two macs with different dropbox and iCloud accounts

Community Member

I want to sync a common set of passwords across both my wife's and my iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks. Right now the only way I can determine to do this is to create a backup file and then restore it to my wife's mac.

Is there any way to automate this sync other than to use a common iCloud or Dropbox account? I'm fine with purchasing another license if that is required.

I have to assume this is a relatively common use case (a common set of passwords shared between two spouses).


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @bpchristensen‌,

    One of the benefits of Dropbox is that you can share files between multiple accounts using shared folders. This works for your 1Password data as well.

    There are instructions on how to share a folder in Dropbox's help documents.

    If you would like some more specific instructions, please let me know a little bit more about your 1Password ecosystem:

    • What are the version numbers of 1Password and your operating system for all computers and devices running 1Password?
    • Which devices currently have your most up-to-date data? Is there data on the other devices that needs to be saved or merged?

    The more detail you can provide, the more quickly we'll be able to get you sorted out! :)

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