Not Synching??

Community Member

I have 2 Macs, each running 1Password and synching (supposedly) to dropbox. Some of the items synch and some don't. For instance, system 1 has 2 vaults (primary and secondary are their names). System 2 has 2 vaults (Primary and additional are their names). I need to synch all the vaults thru dropbox, but they are not.



  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @bobbean‌

    So I have a couple of questions.

    1. Are these two Macs meant to be syncing with each other i.e. primary to primary and secondary to additional?
    2. For each vault on both Macs, if you enter 1Password's preferences and switch to the Sync tab does it say it is syncing and do the .agilekeychains paths match up? Please note that the Sync tab view is dependent on which vault was active when you opened the preferences. What we're checking for is do both the primary vaults sync to the same .agilekeychain and the same for the secondary vaults.
    3. When you say some items sync and some don't, is this in a single vault e.g. primary and have you noticed any pattern at all? is it just certain ones, do new ones always sync etc.

    Once we start to build up an idea of what is happening we can start determining the cause.

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