Same household license for 2 Macs, iPad2, iPad3, 2 iPhone 4s, 2 persons
I'm considering buying 1Password 4 for my wife and me. I have a MacBook Pro running 10.9.3 Mavericks, an iPad3 running iOS 8.1.2, and an iPhone 4s running iOs 7.1.2. My wife has a MacBook Air running 10.7.5 Lion, an iPad2 running 6.1.3, and an iPhone 4s running 7.1.1.
I also have a Windows 7 64bit PC. What products and licenses do I need to use 1Password 4 on all of them?
Hi @coldrc
So a single Mac + Windows bundle (69.99 USD) from our web store would cover all of your desktops and laptops. A licence purchased now would cover you for versions 3-5 so if at any point you added or upgraded a machine to Yosemite you could run 1Password 5 on it. For now though you would need the following (all available from
- Your MacBook Pro, Mavericks can run 1Password 4
- Your wife's MacBook Air, Lion can run 1Password 3
- Your Windows 7 PC can run 1Password 4
As of 1Password 5 for iOS we moved to the freemium model where you can use the basic features of 1Password for iOS for free. There is an in-app purchase for what we consider 'Pro' features and the actual cost varies by country as iTunes will show you it for your currency. Now a single purchase will cover all the iOS devices linked to that Apple ID so assuming your wife and you use separate Apple IDs it would be two purchases if you both want to make use of the Pro features.
Now because 1Password for iOS is distributed by Apple's iTunes Store it gets a little more messy here.
- In either iTunes on your Mac or on your iPad 3 download 1Password 5 for iOS.
- If you downloaded via iTunes in step 1. you can now download it on your iPad.
- On your iPhone 4S, open the App Store app.
- Change to the Updates tab and then the Purchased > button at the top of the page.
- Download 1Password. A message should pop up saying you can't run 1Password 5 on this version of iOS and do you want to download the last compatible version. This should download 1Password 4.5.3
Your wife's iOS devices are more complicated due to the older versions.
- Your wife would need to download 1Password 5 for iOS via iTunes on her Mac.
- Your wife would now need to follow steps 3-5 from above for of both her iOS devices.
The tricky part is I'm not in the position to test an iOS 6 device which I'm told can run 1Password 4.3.2 for iOS. I'm confident about the iOS 7 devices but this is the first time I've had to work with an iOS 6 device in this situation. It might be the iPad 2 isn't running a new enough version of iOS for this situation.
What I'd recommend is start with your iOS devices and make sure you can load 1Password for iOS on either all of them or at least the important ones. The you can try 1Password 4 for Mac + Windows using a 30 day trial to see what you think.
For synchronising you'll have either Wi-Fi Sync or Dropbox Sync and that should work over all the iOS devices.
If you have any questions or issues do please let us know.