How can I merge iCloud and dropbox data vaults safely and easily?
Because the icloud sync crippling of the webstore version of 1Password 5 was not clear to me from the start of v5 I now have iCloud sync enabled on my ios devices and dropbox on my mac. I only found out about this after some time, when some of my logins stopped working. How do I clean up this mess? I couldn't find any guide for this. I tried to disconnect iCloud and sync with dropbox on my ios devices but it gave an error.
Thanks in advance for resolving this,
PS: Next time, it may be a good idea not to screw over existing customers by forcing them to either accept a crippled product or pay full price yet again. I'm willing to pay for an upgrade, you should pay me for a downgrade.
Hi @rexbo,
I'm really sorry you were affected by this.
It sounds to me like you did everything right. It should just be a matter of syncing the Mac to Dropbox, disconnecting the iPhone from iCloud Sync, then connecting it to Dropbox as well.
What is the error that you got when you tried to do this? Can you give us the exact error?
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Thx for the reply. It appears to have been a dropbox error, not 1password. I worked it out, but I also made backups to be sure.