Cannot Fill Item in Firefox

Community Member

Using Yosemite on my IMAC. 1Password actually is the first APP I ever bought, believe it or not, and it is not going so well. Tried all of the troubleshooting guide advice including the last one, disabling browser code signature validation, in order to rid myself of the "Cannot Fill Item in Firefox" error code -no luck. Can you help



  • MikeT
    edited January 2015

    Hi @vickers,

    I'm sorry to hear it is not going so well. We'd love to help you fix this.

    Does it happen in Safari as well or just Firefox?

    For security reasons, 1Password won't fill your data in if it thinks Firefox is not what it is supposed to be.

    Also, can you tell me which version of Firefox you're using as well as 1Password and OS X? Did you buy it from the Mac App Store or from our web store?

  • vickers
    Community Member

    Thanks Mike. Firefox 34.0.5. I purchased 1Password 5.0.2 from the Mac App Store yesterday - hope that wasn't a mistake. I recently downloaded and am using OSX Yosemite 10.10.1. When I close Firefox and open Safari, then try to use 1Password, 1 Password then opens Firefox and gives the same error message.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @vickers‌

    If you are clicking on an URL in a Login item from within the main window of 1Password (so using the open and fill method), then 1Password will use your default browser which sounds like Firefox. What happens if you directly use the 1Password browser extension instead? If you use the extension in Safari it should only apply to Safari and not be launching Firefox.

    I suspect MikeT is wanting to figure out if something is interfering with the extension in general or if this is specific to Firefox. It's odd though, I'm running Firefox 34.0 with no issues and I know others running 34.0.5 without problem either. This would suggest that it isn't an issue with 34.0.5 in general.

    It might also help if we know what version of the extension you're running in both Safari and Firefox. The extension isn't part of the 1Password application so it is often updated on a different schedule and uses its own version numbers. Thank you for your patience while we determine what the cause is.

  • vickers
    Community Member

    Thanks littlebobbyta... Busy week-en ....m back to problem today. (1) No problemo when I change default browser to Safari. Auto-fill warning box ddoes not appear.nn But I would like to keep Firefox 34.0.5 as my default browser. (2) I have not downoladed the Firefox extension because I didn't want to make the problem more complicated -should I do this? Awaiting your advice on next step...........


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni


    Ah, so your default browser is normally Firefox but you don't have the 1Password browser extension installed? I suspect we've found the cause of your problem. 1Password mini doesn't interact directly with the browser and instead communicates with the 1Password browser extension. I believe if you install the extension it should all be fine :smile:

  • vickers
    Community Member

    Trying. Firefox reports that Extension is installed, but it seems not to be. Working on this for a couple of hours now.

  • vickers
    Community Member

    Trying. Firefox reports that Extension is installed, but it seems not to be. Working on this for a couple of hours now.

  • vickers
    Community Member

    Downloading Firefox Extension from Amazon EC2 appears to be a nightmare. Losing patience here

  • vickers
    Community Member

    Why won't the extension download - Firefox tells me that it has, but I can't find any icon in Apps or anyplace else.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member


    1. If you are having problems downloading the FF 1P extension you can do so directly from here.
    2. If you go to Firefox > Tools > Add-ons does 1Password show in the list of add-ons?


  • vickers
    Community Member

    Thanks Stephen. Yes, the Firefox>Tools>Add-ons does show "Password and Identity manager for Mac, Windows, IOS, and Android.
    My Systems Preferences/Systems Extensions indicates that I have not installed any extensions. However, I still receive the "Cannot Fill" box every time I try to logon via 1Password. i have not been able to enable the Web Proxy because I have not been able to find my password -I am working on that.


  • vickers
    Community Member

    So, apparently I do not need a password in order to check the "Web Proxy"(HTTPS) box in Firefox>Sysytems>Advanced>Proxies, but
    I just need to enter a new password. So I do. Problem then is that everytime I click the Web Proxy Box, enter the new password, and enter 127... number in the "Bypass proxy settings for these hosts and domains," then click "apply," everythying looks fine until I reopen Firefox>Sysytems>Advanced>Proxies only to find that the Web Proxy box has become unchecked.

  • vickers
    Community Member

    I just switched to Chrome and solved the whole problem. Not happy with all of my trouble, or reading that at times you have sold beta versions of your product without informing consumers. I don't think that is what happened to me, but it still was a bad experience trying to get 1Password to work with Firefox. Like the way it operates now, though, and I thank you for your attempts to fix it for me.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @vickers,

    I'm sorry you had so much trouble trying to use the 1Password extension in Firefox, but I'm glad Chrome is working well for you!

    Not happy with all of my trouble, or reading that at times you have sold beta versions of your product without informing consumers.

    I don't know what you're referring to or what you read, but just to be clear: We don't sell beta versions of 1Password (and if we did, we would absolutely inform our customers). Public betas of 1Password are available for some platforms, and can be optionally installed by users who wish to help us test the software so we can fix bugs before releasing a stable version. We also have beta versions of our web browser extensions, but the user would need to choose to install the beta - the default is always to install the release version. We sometimes suggest trying a beta for troubleshooting purposes.

    Again, I'm sorry you had such a bad experience trying to troubleshoot the problem with the extension in Firefox! Hopefully things all go smoothly with Chrome, but if you ever need help, we're here for you. :)

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