Lost 211 entries!!!

Community Member

So now I have slowly but the coffee on! :s
I have my entries further edited with tags on Mac. I had 605 entries in 1P5 and at once on all devices are only 394! I have only two / three entries deleted otherwise only be edited!
How do I get my items back again ???



  • bjornseidel
    Community Member

    Okay, I have restored a backup. Thus, an hour working for the cat.
    I would be lost anyway it interesting how many entries at once. I also today is several times 1P5 crashed after I've added tags on some items.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @bjornseidel‌

    I suspect English is not your native language and that you might be using an automated translation service. If I am correct it might prove useful if you were to supply the original text alongside the translation. If I am wrong then I do apologise.

  • bjornseidel
    Community Member

    Hi @littlebobbytables,

    you are right. My english is not so good. I learn every day some minutes for a better skill in english. But somtimes is to use the english translater faster and easier, sorrry.

    I was not afraid after over one hour working (edit tags) 1P5 lost many entries (all devices). After problem I have use a old backup from today but the complety work is for trash (Can I write this?). I don't understand why? It's angry.
    And 1P5 is often crashed (Mac) after editing some entries with tags.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @bjornseidel‌

    I would like you to do the following please.

    1. Open 1Password and then quit it using the following keyboard shortcut ⌃⌘Q. This will quit both 1Password and 1Password mini.
    2. Open a Finder window and drag the 1Password application from your /Applications/ folder to the Trash. This will delete just the application, your vault will remain safe.
    3. Reboot your Mac.
    4. Download a new copy of 1Password from the same place you purchased it. If you purchased it from Apple's Mac App Store (MAS) then download from their App Store application. If you purchased it from us then download it from our AgileBits Download page.
    5. After opening 1Password, use the following option Help > Tools > Optimise Database.

    Until we are confident that 1Password will not crash as often as it has been, you may wish to back up your vault manually if you start making a lot of changes in a small period of time. You can create a new backup by entering 1Password's preferences 1Password > Preferences... and switching to the Backup tab. In there you will find a Backup Now button. 1Password will automatically create a new backup once a day anyway.

    After following steps 1-5, try making changes like you did before and let us know if it continues to crash.

    If you have any questions or need some part of this re-written please do ask. If you struggle with understanding my reply please let us know what language or languages you are fluent in as maybe somebody here at AgileBits can communicate with you in one of those languages.

  • bjornseidel
    Community Member

    Hello @littlebobbytables‌

    it's to late ;-)

    But I have new question. Today I have Mac database compered to iPhone database (Sync with dropbox). On Mac I have 404 objects but by iPhone 413 objects. I have only open 1P5 and wait some minutes.
    One thing is strange, on my Mac I have two same objects because different time (I have change icon from object) but on iPhone (is correct) is only newest object.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @bjornseidel,

    If you're still seeing a difference between the number of items in your iPhone and your Mac, I've got a few basic things that we want to check regarding Dropbox first, before we get into the serious troubleshooting:

    • Please ensure that Dropbox is installed and running on your computer
    • Check that you are logged in with the same account on all computers and devices
    • Confirm that Dropbox sync is selected in 1Password > Preferences > Sync on your Mac
    • Confirm that Dropbox is selected in Settings > Sync on your iOS device
    • Confirm that both your Mac and iOS device are reading from the same file path in Dropbox.

    If all of those items check out, let's run a test and see where things are getting tripped up:

    • Create a test entry on your Mac ("Test, Mac") and add some data
    • Create a test entry on each of your iOS devices ("Test, iPhone/iPad") and add some data
    • Does "Test for Mac" show up on either of your iOS devices?
    • Does "Test for iPhone" and/or "Test for iPad" show up on your Mac?
    • Log in to the Dropbox website and click on the 1Password.html file inside your 1Password.agilekeychain folder
    • Enter your Master Password
    • Do either or any of your test entries show up in your database here?

    Please let me know the results of this little experiment - once we have a better idea of where things are going sideways, we should be able to get this straightened out simply for you :)

This discussion has been closed.