Upgraded to 1Password 5 from 4 and Data Did Not Migrate

Community Member

As a long-time user of 1 Password I have switched from version 4 to 1 Password 5. It appeared the old data from the version 4 vault would migrate but it did not. How do I retrieve the old data and enter it into the upgrade?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    What platform are you using please (Mac, Windows, etc.)? When you reply I'll move this post to the appropriate forum, where you will get more help.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @RobertS,

    We will need a bit more detail to get you sorted out here:

    • How did you update from 1Password 4 to 1Password 5? It should have shown up simply as an update for your existing app, so all your data would have stayed right where it was.
    • Did you originally purchase 1Password from the Mac App Store, or the AgileBits webstore? It sounds to me like you might have purchased from one location initially, and then obtained the update from the other. If you let me know which version you originally purchased, we can provide instructions for you to update the correct app so that you don't need to migrate your data. :)

    (Since I'm pretty sure we're talking about 1Password for Mac here, I've moved the discussion to the Mac forums, just to keep things organized.)

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