CSV import fails

Community Member


I just bought 1Password for mac and should switch from KeepassX.
I was not happy to understand there was no import feature from KeepassX to 1password, but I have tried to convert it using csv and xml files as suggested on other posts.

I have 100+ login/passwords in my keepassx database, but I have failed to convert it.
It looks like I need to have all fields filled out to be able to import it into 1Password.
My csv file looks lie this:

"Google Mail","", "userA","passwordA",""

This entry is not being imported, but if I change it into:

"Google Mail","https://mail.google.com","userA","passwordA","gmail login"

it is.

The problem is that 75% of my entries looks like the first entry, missing parts of the information.
Is there a better way than csv files?
Something that works?



  • chadseld
    edited January 2015

    Hi Johan,

    I can reproduce the same problem you have when importing as LastPass (.csv) Login. However I was able to import the first line successfully using the Comma Delimited Text (.csv) importer with subtype of Login. Will this work for you?

    The generic Comma Delimited Text (.csv) importer requires data to be structured as so:


    The LastPass Login importer requires data to be structured as:


    I hope that helps.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2015

    Hi @JohanLanderholm‌,

    This converter might help you. I can't tell from your post if you've already tried it. If so, which version of KeePassX do you have?

  • JohanLanderholm
    Community Member


    Yes, I tried the converter, but it also fails, I assume for the same reason. But I haven't looked through the code yet.
    I can format my import file pretty much in any way using awk, but it's a hassle to "create" dummy values for entries that are missing data.
    I will continue to try to import my KeepassX 2.0alpha6 database.
    It should work in some way.


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2015

    The converter handles the XML export from KeePassX v0.4.3. If you have the 2.0 alpha version, you need to export to the Keepass2 database format and then import into Keepass2, and finally export from there as a Keepass 2 XML export. This is because KeePassX 2 alpha does not have an export to XML function.

    Then, of course, you'd specify the keepass2 converter on the command line.

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