Significance of different "last synced" date for vaults?
I just upgraded to 5.1. Very nice! Thank you.
I opened the new Sync panel in Prefs and found the following:
1. My primary vault was last synced 8 seconds ago.
2. A secondary vault on my account was last synced 17 days ago
3. My wife's primary (and only) vault, which is shared with me was last synced 21 weeks ago
Is the significance of this that this means that there have been no changes made to my secondary vault and to my wife's vault in the indicated time frame? All three are synced via DropBox
Hi @camner
My initial suspicion is you haven't switched to the other vaults recently. In the main app switch between all the vaults, pausing on each for a moment to let the sync occur. When you return to the Preference window does the last synced times now show seconds rather than days or weeks?
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Your initial suspicion turned out be quite correct! Switching between the vaults allowed the sync to take place.
Thanks for your help. This did the trick quite nicely.