Problems with Amazon

Community Member

This is my very first attempt at setting this up - and it's not going too well! I've downloaded the full app from the mac store, and all went well. I then set up a login for my Amazon account, and on my Mac, it signed in using my username and password perfectly. Great I thought!

  • I then downloaded the app onto my iPAD , synch'd through iCloud ....and then it all started to go wrong. When i click on the Amazon login on my iPad, it fills in my user name and password, but the errors "e mail address already in use" even though the 1password software correctly ticked the returning customer box and put in the password. Frustrated! Any clues as to what is going on?


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @neils‌

    It sounds like on your iOS device it's entering your login credentials into spaces designed for registering as a new user. Try creating a new Login item on your Mac using our Saving a Login Manually guide and see if that new Login item works any better on your iOS device. Let us know how you get along.

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