Material design [under development]



  • The video linked above was made during the Google I/O demo in May earlier this year. It was made to show how fingerprint unlock would look. The rest of what you can see in the video isn't indicative of what the next release will look like. :)

  • Stanzilla
    Community Member

    We'll see in 2020 then :D

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    ;) :+1:

  • Fuego3048
    Community Member

    Any updates on this? It's 2016 now. As a former iOS user, this app is rough (putting it lightly) to use.

  • dmacx
    Community Member

    @Fuego3048 They missed the whole Android Lollipop release to provide us with Material Design and I think they will miss Marshmallow with fingerprint support, too. It's really a shame. A former company with the focus of good design...
    Nearly every day I get a update for my Mac App but there is NO progress for the Android app. The apps looks the same as on day one after they implemented the edit function.

  • Hey @Fuego3048, and @dmacx. :) Please take a look at Jeff's post here. It should provide a little insight as to what we're working on, and an idea of when you can expect it.

  • Fuego3048
    Community Member
    edited January 2016

    Thanks for the heads up @peri. Greatly appreciated!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Can't wait! :chuffed:

  • choochoosole
    Community Member
    edited January 2016


  • It's in alpha testing. We're super excited to get it out to you! :)

  • ntimo
    Community Member

    @peri I Know you won't do that but could you maybe give us sneak peak at the new design? :) And its nice to see it in alpha testing. Thats good news and an important step closer to a beta realse +1

  • Sorry @ntimo. I don't think we're quite ready for that yet! I'll let you know when we are ready to share though!

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  • choochoosole
    Community Member

    @sameerchavan you do realize that LastPass is a huge company with loads of money and a ton of developers and that's why they're updating stuff so quickly. AgileBits seems to be a smaller team but that's fine with me because I much prefer 1Password to Lastpass. As long as they make sure they get things done right the first time I'd rather have them take their time then rush out buggy updates.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @sameerchavan: It's absolutely untrue that we 'are not doing anything', and I'm not sure that histrionics do any good here. I know you're frustrated, but we're working hard to prepare for the beta. That's really all we can do. To answer your question,

    I am with you for last 4yrs and what do i get ?

    You get to use the app you paid for, no strings attached, forever. 1Password for Android is a free app with an in-app purchase for Premium Features. If you didn't feel that it was worth your hard-earned money, I'm not sure why you would have paid for it. I certainly don't pay for (or use) software that I don't like! But we'll continue to work on improvements (as we've been doing, even if you haven't yet been able to enjoy the fruits of our labour) for you and the rest of our awesome customers! I'm sorry that the wait has been difficult, but I'm glad that you have access to 1Password in the mean time. Hang in there! :)

    @choochoosole: You're absolutely right that we are a small team, but that's no excuse. It's simply taken longer than we'd like. We've got big plans for 1Password for Android, and perhaps we've been too ambitious with the initial update. But of course a trickle of small updates can be equally frustrating — both for customers and AgileBits team members alike — as we all want shiny new features and improvements. After all, we don't get to use it until it's ready either! It's a difficult balance to strike, and I'm sorry where we've failed in that regard.

    I know we all would prefer to have a new version sooner rather than later — provided that it's reliable and useful, of course. I can't say anything else better than it's already been said by Shiner in this status update earlier in the week, so be sure to check it out:

    AgileBits and Android

    We're almost there. :chuffed:

  • faisal233
    Community Member
    edited January 2016

    You are right that 1Password for Android is free, but let's not act like your paying customers don't usually end up paying for $60-70 for Mac/PC and mobile support.

    If you are willing to refund my $70 and revoke my key, i'll gladly move on. Otherwise you guys are doing a **** poor job of android support and have been for years. This isnt 2010 any more, **** android apps aren't acceptable and I regret buying into the 1password ecosystem without realizing how bad the android support is. I know, i know, 5 weeks. I can't believe that "wait for the beta" is the official answer.

  • Unknown
    edited January 2016
    This content has been removed.
  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    While I appreciate the frustration of not yet having a new version of 1Password for Android with highly anticipated new features, we want to keep things friendly on the forums, so please refrain from using offensive language of any kind. After all, if what you want is for us to make 1Password better, that won't make it happen any faster.

    Here in the forums we do try to edit user content as little as possible, but on occasion we are forced to make a judgement call. While it's quite understandable that you're frustrated at the moment, we still need to keep the forums as friendly as possible for the wide range of people that visit. Be sure to keep that in mind in the future. We're happy to have you here, so long as you can adhere to the guidelines:

    Forum guidelines

    And after all, we're here to help, and there are things you can do to facilitate this. Notably, if you have specific feature requests, suggestions, or criticism, burying it in vitriol only makes it more difficult to hone in on your core message. Don't bury the lede! And quite honestly when I read some of this stuff the part that jumps out at me is the abusive, inappropriate language, and that really does a disservice to any constructive criticism you have to offer.

    I was surprised by the answer from @brenty who is teaching me why the **** i have brought 1password if i dont like. And he suggests that he does not pay for software that he does not like. Indirectly he is telling to all paid customs.. get the **** off.

    @sameerchavan: Not at all. But I can absolutely see where it could be taken that way if you're approaching this discussion from the perspective that that it is somehow acceptable to interact with another person in this manner. Let me be clear: It isn't. The discussion forum isn't yours alone (or mine). You're a guest, and you need to be considerate of not only the hosts, but other guests as well. You may be a paying customer, but we don't sell a service where you can come here and behave however you wish because we haven't yet released a feature you want. We don't sell soapboxes; we sell software.

    Now, you may think that our software is bad. That's okay. It's our job to make it better and change your mind, and while we're working on that, it does take time. But unloading invective into a text box isn't going to help anyone: it won't help us make 1Password better, and it won't help you get a new version sooner. And frankly it detracts from what seems to be your overall message: you'd like to continue using 1Password, but you want it to improve.

    I'll admit it was my mistake for trying to approach this logically and rationally. I am just trying to understand your perspective. However, computers are logical; markets are rational; humans are neither. It seems to me that you really want the new features in the upcoming 1Password for Android update, but this discussion has really gotten off track. In particular, it's about material design, which we've said we're working on, and also announced that it's coming in the next version. If there's another feature that you want, be sure to let us know (though a separate discussion would be more appropriate).

    I actually really want people like you here, because an intelligent outside perspective is always useful. However, I am having difficulty understanding why you insist on burying some really thoughtful criticism in this fashion. If it's important to you to use that kind of language, you'll need to do it somewhere else. But if what's really important to you is improvements in an app you paid for, let's focus on that and cut out the filler. We don't need to argue, after all, because we want the same thing: a better 1Password for Android. So let's not. Let's just talk about how.

  • pbryanw
    Community Member
    edited January 2016

    Am I the only one here who likes 1Password's current Android App :blush: It scores 4.3 on the Google Play score, and fits "my" needs perfectly. Can it get better - of course - but I'm willing to wait, as I believe Agilebits will deliver. As far as the high costs of ownership - I prefer the pay once, own your app - ethos. For example, I bought 1Password for Mac 4 on the App Store in 2013, and haven't been changed anything for the subsequent updates to version 6.

    The good thing is there's lots of competition in this space, so if you don't like 1Password, you can switch to Dashlane, Lastpass, Roboform etc There's also free options like KeePass & Lastpass (to a certain degree). I just don't see how swearing on Agilebits forum can be productive - constructive criticism, and pouring your undoubted passion into the upcoming new Android beta (so you can have a hand in its development), just seems the better course of action to me.

  • ntimo
    Community Member

    @pbryanw I toally share your point. And I think that the current versions does very well. But there is always room for improvments and there will ever be. We should wait for new beta and don't kill ourselfs in the forum. The waiting time is always the best time my father sayed to me when i was young. So lets make the best out of it. And try to focus on using this great software instead of cirtising it.

  • saad
    edited January 2016

    Hello, everyone! We are very excited to announce the first public beta of 1Password 6 is now available to download. To install the new beta, please have a read through our forum post announcement.

    We look forward to hearing your feedback. Thanks again for your support. :)

  • ntimo
    Community Member

    @saad, Amazing. Iam freeking out at the moment!!!!!!!!!!! Thank, you and the Team.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @ntimo: Thanks! It sounds like you're as excited as we are! :lol:

    @pbryanw: Your kind words are very much appreciated! :chuffed:

    I think the most difficult part about all of this is that 1Password for Android isn't where we want it to be yet, but today it is one step closer. We share this passion (albeit expressed in different ways) with everyone here, and it's been difficult to wait to get to the point where we can share this with everyone. This is only the beginning. ;)

    And finally, criticism is ALWAYS welcome, so long as it is constructive and respectful. 1Password will never be perfect, and we will never be content to leave it as-is. We want to make it better, and we want to hear from everyone what that means to them, since it will be different for different people. :)

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  • Our latest beta version includes a Material Design redesign of 1Password on Android. We're still polishing it up for future betas, but the redesign should be complete for 1Password 6's official release. :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @sameerchavan: Indeed! I know that 1Password for Android version 6 isn't final (and we're working on the next beta release!) but I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Material Design aspect. There will be things we'll tweak and add, but overall this is the direction we're going, which I think is a big step toward bringing the Android app up to par with the others. Thanks in advance! :)

  • choochoosole
    Community Member
    edited January 2016

    @brenty so far I'm loving the beta! Could use a separate browser like the ios version, a search bar at the top when you open it up. Also full opvault support too. Other than that so far so good for a beta! It's pretty stable too, haven't had any crashes or problems!

    One thing I would really love is an area where in the app where the password generator is separate so that I just generate a password and go back to chrome while setting up an account.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @choochoosole: Awesome! Glad to hear you're enjoying it, but there's still room for improvement. The password generator and browser suggestion are interesting ideas. Thanks for the feedback! :chuffed:

This discussion has been closed.