Cut/Copy/Paste function of individual text items in secure notes not possible...

Community Member

Version 5.2 (502015)
Trying to select an individual text item in a secure note is not possible anymore. It defaults to the complete note section and you can only copy the entire section.

When you press Edit and trying to select an individual text item in edit mode, the text always scrolls to the end of the section, making the selection of the text element in the beginning of the text impossible.


  • vadim
    Community Member

    Having the same issue. I have multiple codes in notes field which I need to copy, but after latest update I'm able to select whole note only

  • gvisser
    Community Member

    The behaviors as described by gijsbertsr has broken broken my ability to use 1Password for all but logging into websites.

  • Hi guys,

    Thanks for reporting this!

    I've filed a bug report in our internal tracker, and our developers will look into the issue.

    Sorry for the trouble!

    ref: OPI-2260

  • dmitch77
    Community Member

    Note this problem is also true for the 'notes' field in login items and Email account items. Broken for iPad and iPhone.

  • prime
    Community Member

    Same here... just in case you're keeping track of this

  • Hi @dmitch77,

    Yep, thanks for mentioning it. My internal bug report covers both Secure Note items and notes within other item types. :)

  • jason885
    Community Member

    This is a HUGE bug!! Totally destroying my ability to use 1password right now. I tend to keep a ton of information in my secure notes that I need to be able to access in other apps (team credit cards, logins associated with a family member, etc). All I can do is copy now the entire notes field into an insecure app, and only then select/highlight an individual item. This is deeply concerning from security perspective as now those other apps have cache somewhere of the sensitive data. It's also very bad user experience.

    Any update on fixing this?

  • Hi @jason885,

    I do apologize for the inconvenience. Our developers only became aware of this bug on Jan 29th (4 days ago). It'll take a little bit of time track down and to fix.



  • jason885
    Community Member

    Thanks for the update Ben! Good to know the team is on-target for it. :)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jason885,

    Have you tried going into Edit mode for the Secure Note, and highlight/copy the text from there? As the OP mentioned, you might run into a scrolling problem when doing that, but it's worth a shot if you haven't already tried it.

  • jason885
    Community Member

    I got those scrolling problems so wasn't able to get the specific information I wanted from it.

  • Sorry to hear about that @jason885. Hopefully we can get that scrolling bug fixed up soon.

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