Suggestions for Additional 1Password Product Features

Community Member

I’m a new 1Password customer. Hard to believe that I spent years with an Excel file with hundreds of entries for my different accounts, names, passwords, urls,account numbers, etc. Excel is behind me now, but I still could use additional features to make the software perfect for my needs.

To set the table, I use 1Password as a personal organizer and as an estate planning tool. (I am creating a repository of personal, legal, and financial information for use by my wife.) Sure, having a vault filled with website names and passwords is slick, but that just scratches the surface of the potential for this software, so here goes with my wish list:

  1. The predefined “Categories” are a great start, but how about more?

  2. How about these categories: Brokerage Accounts, Insurance Policies, and Safe Deposit Boxes? I mean, come on, you’ve already got an “Outdoor Licenses” category. I’d rather track my financial accounts than my fishing license number.

  3. How about a Debit Card category, so I don’t have to shoehorn my debit cards into the Credit Cards category?

  4. If you can’t provide predefined categories such as those mentioned above, how about letting me create my own categories? (I spent quite a bit of time looking for this feature when I got the software, and was surprised at its absence.)

  5. Add live links to files on my computer. You provide the ability to attach a file to a record that I create in 1Password. That’s probably great for many, but it also creates a static copy of another file on my computer. Because I’m using 1Password for organizational and sharing purposes, I’m not interested in hiding copies of files in my 1Password vault. Instead, I’d like to maintain in 1Password what effectively is an index to other files on my computer. It may be counter-intuitive, but I don’t want these files hidden inside 1Password because, as an estate planning tool, I need the files to be easily and independently discovered, with no password needed.

  6. Add rich-text formatting to the Notes field. It would be great to be able to use color especially, but things such as live urls would be very nice as well.

That’s it, my full list. Great product!


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MojoHand

    We often hear this request and it seems the only way to make it useful for everybody is to roll suggestions 1-3 into 4. We know it's desired and I'm sure we will at some point but for the moment it's tricky because the categories are hardcoded. What it means is it isn't a quick change and done (at least that's my understanding of the matter).

    I'll address point 6 next to say I've also added your voice to this ticket as again, you're not the only person to ask.

    Now the unusual request, point 5. I've not seen a request like that before. I'll ask but I'm doubtful as to its inclusion. My concern mainly stems from the fact that as it stands our users understand what is happening. The attachment is in their vault and secure. If we instead offer a way to link to a file then the file won't sync and more worryingly, the user might misapprehend and believe that the attachment is securely stored in their encrypted vault. That sort of mistake would be a very bad one to make I'm sure you will agree.

    I don't know if it's possible or not but how would you feel if we made 1Password work better with aliases? It's not quite what you asked for but it's close. It would require the user to create an alias in OS X and then attach it but at least to me it feels like there is a distinction between that and directly supporting live links. Now of course you may disagree, so may the developers for that matter but that's part of the whole process :smile:

    • ref: OPM-1643
    • ref: OPM-1099
  • MojoHand
    Community Member

    Thank you for your detailed and responsive reply. I hadn't thought about the sync issue you mentioned with regard to "live links" to local files, but I do see how that would be a problem, as well as the issue you mentioned about live links possibly leading to bad outcomes based on a customer's misunderstanding of the feature. I'm not sure what an OSX alias is, so I don't think that is going to offer me relief. I'm collecting the 1Password information primarily for my wife, and she won't be able to go beyond the plain vanilla product features. But my big wishes were for the additional categories and I would be delighted with improvements in that area.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    It sounds to me as if you are really seeking an ecrypted database, rather than a password manager. I'm sure those exist, but I'm not familiar with them. Wouldn't they permit adding links to live files, etc? And you'd be free to organize the data anyway that best suits your application. You'd dtore the credentials for accessing the database in 1Password.

    That said, I don't get Outdoor Licenses as a separate category either. ;)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MojoHand,

    I just wanted to add that an "alias" on OS X is a file which points to another file, like a link or a shortcut (in fact, on Windows it is called a "shortcut" instead of an "alias"). On OS X, you can right-click on a file and choose "Make Alias" to create one. If you open an alias, it opens the original file from wherever it is stored on the computer. Unfortunately I don't believe aliases work well with 1Password at this time, but if they did, I think that would be very much like the "live link" feature you described.

    Anyway, we certainly appreciate the feedback. If you need anything else, please let us know - we're here for you!

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