Trouble setting up iCloud sync

1Password Alumni
This discussion was created from comments split from: Can't sync 1Password on iPhone with 1Password on Mac.


  • stkevin
    Community Member

    Help!. 1Password doesn't sync via iCloud to my iPad. I have the latest versions installed on each, the iOS version was downloaded from the Apple store. My Mac version has over 20 passwords in it. When I click on the preferences tab and then sync, as per the instructions, I get a left hand window that has the 1Password symbol in it, then the sync symbol, then a folder. It does not say Primary Vault. The right hand window has the heading "Syncing Primary Vault with Folder and underneath the destination of the agilekeychain, e.g., myname-Library-Application-Support-1Password-1Password.agilkeychain. This does not match the picture on the website help for iCloud syncing. When I open 1Password on my iPad it syncs with iCloud but no passwords or logins or anything else appears. It is like it is syncing with thin air. I have deleted the iPad App and reinstalled twice and nothing works.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @stkevin,

    Since you're having trouble setting up iCloud sync in 1Password on your Mac (and since it's a different problem than the discussion where you posted it), I've moved your message to our Mac forums.

    From your description, it sounds like you currently have Folder sync enabled in 1Password for Mac (i.e. you're syncing your data to a local folder on your Mac). You'll need to disable Folder sync in order to switch to one of the other sync options. Depending on which version of 1Password you're using, you'll need to either click Change Syncing and disable Folder sync (1Password 4) or click the drop down menu that says Folder and choose another option.

    But that brings me to another question - which version of 1Password are you using on your Mac? Also, are you using the web store version or the Mac App Store version? From the main 1Password app, go to the menu for 1Password > About 1Password to find version information. To use iCloud sync, you'll need to be using the Mac App Store version of 1Password 5. We have more information about that in our Web store and iCloud FAQ.

    If you still need help, can you please let us know the following:

    • Which version of Mac OS X is running on your Mac?
    • Which version of 1Password are you using on your Mac?
    • Are you using the web store version or Mac App Store version of 1Password for Mac?
    • Which version of iOS is running on your iPad?
    • Which version of 1Password are you using on your iPad?


This discussion has been closed.