Logon problems

Community Member

I'm setting up my 1P on my Mac running yosemite. I followed the guide to logon to a website and was prompted to save the password which I did. I got the nice Rich icons. when I tried to log back via1P I could not, the biggest problem seems to be websites that have one page for user id and then another for the password.
I also had a problem when a website hide the user id with ****. I fixed that by editing the accounts user id.


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    the biggest problem seems to be websites that have one page for user id and then another for the password.

    Have a look at this knowledge base article about how to create a multi-page login and see if that helps.


  • safety1
    Community Member

    If you arrive at your account, you’re done! If there are still further pages in the login sequence, simply repeat Step 2 for any that remain—remembering to choose Update existing Login each time.

    Above got me into account
    Below, followed the sequence and got incorrect logon, dealing with Vanguard
    just to make sure, I have one login for the account in my vault, it has the correct user name and password.

    Using a multi-page Login
    To use your new multi-page Login item, simply invoke it once per page when you log in to the site:

    Go to the first page in the Login sequence.
    Open 1Password mini and select the Login item you created. 1Password will fill in your details and advance you to the next page automatically.
    On second page, open 1Password mini again and select the same entry as before. 1Password will fill in your details and advance you once more.
    Repeat for any further pages in the sequences.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    There is a specific knowledge base article on creating a Vanguard Login. (I found a link to it by searching for "Vanguard" on this forum. :) )


  • safety1
    Community Member

    Thanks, sorry I should have searched that. I also used the vanguard model for another multi page logon that didn't work.

  • Hi @safety1,

    Would you mind giving us the URL for the site that's giving you issues? We'd be happy to do some testing to see if it can be made to work.


  • safety1
    Community Member


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @safety1,

    Thanks for letting us know the URL. I don't have an account for that site so I can't fully test the multi-page login process, but I manually saved a Login item for the first page, and 1Password seems to fill the username field correctly. Can you let us know where you run into a problem when creating a multi-page Login for that site? Thanks!

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