Order of Login items

Community Member


Recently I notice the order of my login items in 1password mini is all over the shop. I used to be able to press my shortcut and for most sites the ones I used were fortunately in the shortened initial list. This has now disappeared though and with something like 40 odd just for Google, it's become a touch frustrating.

I know the other day I had the ability to "order by" within the main password app, and although I did find this again yesterday, I now can't find this for toffee, although it doesn't appear to have any effect on the result order within 1Password mini.


How can I change the order of the items within 1password mini please?



  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JeffVader,

    The sort order in the main app does not affect how 1Password mini organizes Logins. There are two ways that 1Password can sort items in Mini: using 'precise' or 'lenient' URL matching.

    Precise domain matching is enabled by default, which means that 1Password will match both the domain and subdomain of the URL. Precise matches will be shown first (in alphabetical order, with your favourites getting priority), and partial matches (domain only) will be hidden behind the 'Show more items' option.

    'Lenient URL Matching' can be enabled in Preferences > Browser, and will allow 1Password to sort by the domain only. In this case, all domain matches will be shown, favourites at the top, and then alphabetically sorted below.

    To make your way through 40 Google Logins, I would suggest marking your most-used as 'Favourites' so that they appear at the top of your list. Another alternative is to employ a unique naming scheme so that you can easily find what you want via the Search field.

    I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, we're here for you!

  • JeffVader
    Community Member

    Thanks Megan, lenient URL Matching returned me to familiar ordering! And thanks for the favourites tip, seems despite using 1P for about 5 years, I'd still yet to worry about all it's options.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JeffVader,

    I'm so glad that 'Lenient URL Matching' matching got things working nicely for you. An alternative is to look through those Logins and ensure that the URL that is saved is the same as the URL that Google is currently using for its sign-in page ... but again, with 40 Logins for Google, I'm not sure I would be that dedicated. ;)

    I hope 1Password behaves perfectly for you from now on, but if you have any more questions, we're here to help!

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