Completely units 1Password5 for MAC including all data
Hi 1Password Team,
I want to do something really simple: remove all my settings and data and start over.
Why do I want to do this?
- I want to open a new vault from my dropbox and completely remove the old local one. (I don't want to merge the old and new vaults.) Should be simple right?
Few notes to get started:
- My OS X Version is 10.10.2
- I purchased my 1Password Version 5 version from the App Store.
- I do not have any data in my Primary Vault - just want to delete it.
- On my version, closing 1 Password and 1Password Mini, then deleting (or moving the to desktop) the file, com.agilebits.*in ~/Library/Containers, then rebooting does not work. (I have tried this multiple times... :-(
- On my version I do not have a settings option (listed in various other instructions on your discussions forum).
- On my version I cannot delete my Primary Vault as this option is greyed out. I understand why this is intentional.
This took a few minutes on my PC and lap tops, also easy on iPhone and iPad - so credit to you guys on that. But not on the MAC version - seems like a dogs dinner :-(
Please advise.
Thanks, Chris
One update:
I have tried these instructions fro0m the AgileBits support pages again and confirm that they are incorrect. This totally sucks. Like other users I buy a MAC and purchase from the App Store to make it simple - instead I get this BS. And it is not a cheap App. Really disappointed.
Starting over
On rare occasions, it can be necessary to get rid of your 1Password data and start from scratch.Starting over will delete your vaults, backups and preferences for 1Password. Before starting over, use the Search feature at the top of the page to see if there’s an existing solution to the problem you’re facing. We also invite you to seek help on our discussion forum.
Step 1: Quit 1Password and 1Password mini
Choose 1Password in the menubar. While in the menu, hold down the Control key on your keyboard. The entry labelled “Quit 1Password” will now say “Quit 1Password and 1Password mini.” Select it.
Step 2: Locate and move the existing data folder
The following instructions differ depending on whether your purchased 1Password from the Mac App Store or from our online store.
If you use the Mac App Store version of 1Password:
Open a Finder window and choose Go > Go to Folder. Copy the following text into the dialog and click the Go button: ~/Library/Containers
Locate the folder named and drag it onto the Desktop.
Reboot your Mac.
If you use the version of 1Password from the AgileBits store:Open a Finder window and choose Go > Go to Folder. Copy the following text into the dialog box and click the Go button: ~/Library/Application Support
Locate the folder named 1Password 4 and drag it onto the Desktop.
Still in Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder again. Go to: ~/Library/Preferences
Locate the file named and drag it onto the Desktop.
Locate the file named com.agilebits.onepassword4.plist and drag it onto the Desktop.
Reboot your Mac.
Step 3: Launch 1PasswordThe next time you launch 1Password, it will be as if you’re running the app for the first time.
If you did not have existing 1Password data from another version, you’ll be prompted to create a new vault; otherwise, 1Password will find your data and prompt you for your Master Password. See The first time you run 1Password in the Quick Start section of the User’s Guide for instructions.
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Here are the directions for Starting over.
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Thank you hawkmoth. These unfortunately do not work.
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I finally figured out what is wrong.
The "Starting over" instructions are incorrect.
The correction required is to state that for versions installed from the App Store in addition to the files already listed to be deleted, you need to Locate the folder named 1Password 4 and drag it onto the Desktop (or delete it) as per instructions 1 and 2 for versions installed from the online store. Then it works.
I expected better from AgileBits, particularly for the price of the App. This error has wasted over an hour of my time.
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Hi @Tallchap,
I'm sorry our article wasn't helpful in your case. We will update the article for our MAS users to also delete the website folders if they've used it in the past.
What happened is that we made the apps clone the other folder if it detects the existence of it, to make it easier for users to find their data. So, what happened is that when you deleted the MAS folders and reopen 1Password, 1Password detected the website folders and automatically cloned it into the MAS directory.
This is something we will need to fix in a future update to only clone upon the user's request, not automatically. This is one of the automatic things we thought would be very useful but did not consider that it might hurt in certain cases such as users needing to start all over.
Again, we apologize for that, and we will fix it plus update our article.
ref: OPM-2399, DOCS-391