Opening 1password mini with keyboard shortcuts...error

Community Member

I have started using a custom keyboard shortcut to open 1password mini. The new shortcut works fine (alt + space) but when 1password mini opens, it comes up in the bottom right of my screen rather that from the menu bar. Does anyone know how to fix this?

This happened with the default shortcut as well. My Mac is running the latest build of Yosemite 10.10.2, its 15" rMBP.

Any help appreciated, thanks!


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @muc9a,

    1Password will, normally, remember where you last had the menu positioned and re-open it there. We have had a couple of... oddities recently and we're in the process of trying to pin it down. You should be able to drag the menu though back to your preferred location. When you open up the 1Password mini menu do you see the small amount of grey area just above where it says Search xxx Vault. Roughly that area all along the width of the menu should allow you to drag the entire menu to where you see fit. I have mine aligned with the top right hand corner and that's opens all the time (unless there's a rare hiccup).

    Does that help?

  • muc9a
    Community Member


    I had no idea you could move the window around as you described. I've got it where I want it now. I'm using 1Password mini more than spotlight, hopefully there will be a way to integrate the two in the future!

    Thank you for your help.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @muc9a,

    Glad I could help :smile:

    I'm not sure about integrating Spotlight with 1Password mini though. Spotlight, I believe, does a great job of searching but privacy has been a concern recently with it. Given what we store in 1Password it might not be a good idea... I can ask but we have a security guru and if he gives me a look of horror it's safe to say it won't happen :tongue:

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