Update to 1Password 4? Getting data off old iPhone

Community Member

Hi there,
I recently got an iPhone 6. I'm trying to get my data off of my iPhone 4S to sync up with the new iPhone. In trying to do this, I've discovered that my old version of 1Password (version 3.7.2) doesn't sync with Dropbox any more, and it looks as though wi-fi sync may not be an option with Windows?
I also tried to see if I could update to 1Password 4, but this isn't available on the App store. It looks like 1Password 5 requires iOS 8, I'm running 7.1.2 and I think that trying to upgrade that iPhone to 8 would take away what remaining functionality it has. Any suggestions on how to do this?

Also, for added fun, my computer crashed a couple of months ago. They figure they recovered the data but it's in a separate file. I think that 1Password had been syncing through iTunes but I can't seem to find any data in the backup files.

Thanks so much for your help!


  • Hi @Tricky ,

    Do you have 1Password 3.7.2 installed on your new iPhone? If not, then please do the following:
    1. Go the App Store app.
    2. Go to the Updates tab and choose "Purchased." There you can download the old 1Password.
    3. Follow the instructions here to backup the data from your 4S, and restore to 1Password 3.7.2 on your iPhone 6. https://help.agilebits.com/1Password_touch/backup.html
    4. Once you've done that, follow the instructions here to upgrade: https://guides.agilebits.com/1password-ios-kb/5/en/topic/upgrading-from-legacy-versions

    If you have any trouble, please let us know and where you got stuck.

  • Tricky
    Community Member

    That worked like a charm. You guys are the goods. Seriously, what great support.
    Just a note, on my old phone at least, there were two addresses listed in the backup utility -- the one that listed the name of the phone didn't work, the one that looked like an IP address did.
    Thanks again!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    I'm happy to hear @hayesk has managed to help you resolve all of this. We hope you enjoy 1Password 5 for iOS on your iPhone 6 :smile:

  • Thanks for letting us know about the two addresses. We'll watch out for that in the future.

  • henrikskov
    Community Member

    I have in some way the same problem as Hayesk. Its because I still used 1Password 3.72 and read abort in this forum how I upgraded to IOS 8. So I made a backup of the codes and Them I upgraded to IOS8, but because my IPhone crash the system started a recovery of my IPhone. When the recovery were finsh, it didn't install 1Password 3.72 because it could find the app in AppStore. So now I only have a backup file on my Mac from 1Password 3.72 IPhone, but I don't have a program to recover the file to codes again. Hopefull you have a solution because I'm pretty lost.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @henrikskov ,

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been having trouble here! The first thing to do is see if there's any way that we can locate that missing 1Password 3 for iOS app. Did you perhaps purchase 1Password 3 for iOS using a different AppleID? You will need to be logged into the App Store with the same AppleID as you used when you made the original purchase. If you're able to track down your purchase, you should be able to follow @hayesk's instructions above to get things sorted out.

    Please let me know if you have any luck finding 1Password 3 for iOS in another AppleID. If not, we might be able to make this work using your Mac, so don't despair!

  • henrikskov
    Community Member

    Hi Megan

    Thank your for the solution, I tried a couple of times before it went the right direction, but now I have all my passwords again.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Glad to hear everything worked out in the end @henrikskov :smile:

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