Please tell us:
- what version of 1P you are using on your Mac (go to 1P > About 1Password and tell us exactly what it says there);
- what browser you are using and the version number of the 1P extension used in the browser.
In any event, these recent posts about look relevant to your issue.
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Hi @mkonigs,
I'm sorry to hear 1Password isn't filling in the username or password fields! To help solve this problem, we'll need to get a few more details. Can you please let us know the following:
- Is this problem happening on all websites you try to log into, or just a few sites?
- Have you saved Login items for those sites in 1Password?
- If it's only a problem on some sites, what are the exact URLs for those Login items in 1Password?
- How are you prompting 1Password to fill your login info: by double-clicking a Login item in the 1Password app, or by clicking the 1Password extension in your browser (or using the ⌘\ keyboard shortcut)?
- If you go to a site and then choose the Login item from the 1Password extension, what happens?
- What version of Mac OS X are you running on your Mac?
- What web browser are you using, and what version?
- What version of 1Password are you using?
- What version of the 1Password extension is installed in the browser?
The more details you can give us about your setup, what you're doing to have 1Password fill your login into, and what happens when you try that, the better. Thanks!
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I'm experiencing the same issue with
- Not experiencing the same issue with other websites.
- N/A
- Only
- Doesn't matter how I prompt it. 1P doesn't fill in the User Name (email address) or Password.
- Nothing Changes
- Yosemite 10.10.2
- Safari 8.0.4
- 1P 5.1
- 1P extension 4.3.0
Not really having any other issues with any other websites other than the sites that have 2 page verifications. Like USAA, Verizon Wireless, etc.
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Hi @wickedgt,
Thanks for the information! I'm sorry you're having trouble filling your login info on that site. I don't have an account there, but I saved a Login item using some random text for the email and password, and 1Password seems to fill that form correctly for me. However, the main site ( doesn't have a visible login form when you first open it. You'll need to click on the "Log In" link at the top first, which will then reveal the "Log In to Mint" form. Once you see that form, try using the ⌘\ keyboard shortcut to have 1Password fill it for you. Does that work? If not, try manually saving a new Login for that site. Does the new Login item work correctly?
Alternately, you can try using this URL for your Login item:
That URL is for an alternate login page which doesn't require you to click a "Log In" link first, so you can open that link from the main 1Password app and it should fill the fields for you.
Do either of those suggestions help? Let us know how it goes. If you need more help, we're here for you! :)