1Password not syncing with Dropbox

Community Member

I have been using 1Password for years and sync between Macs and iOS devices. Software is updated.

On one Mac there is now no syncing with Dropbox. It tries to sync and goes through the motions, but in the end there are no entries in 1Password. The other Mac and iOS devices are fine.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.


  • Hi @rhinolith,

    Did this Mac have 1Password data before or is this a new Mac and you're trying to pull the 1Password data from Dropbox?

    Is it possible it picked up the wrong data file in the Dropbox folder? Can you do a search in the Dropbox folder for files ending in .agilekeychain to see if there are other data files?

  • Hi @rhinolith,

    One more thing, can you open 1Password on both Macs, go to the 1Password Menu > Preferences > Sync and compare the data file paths on both Mac, is it the same?

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