Two vaults in one keychain - how to merge

Community Member

I've searched the forum and I'm sorry if this is redundant. I inadvertently had two keychains on dropbox. one from iPhone (.\1password.agilekeychain) and one from dropbox (.\1password\1password.agilekeychain). I'd like to attempt to get this data merged. This is a mac version 5, btw. So, in preferences it's set to sync to .\1password\1passworkagile.keychain but i see two different vaults (name Primary and 1Password). How do I merge this stuff all into one? I thought i read you could merge them by clicking on the one that 1password mac was not set to sync to. I believe when i did that is when i created the new vault. Any suggestions?


  • ds1w
    Community Member

    I guess the title isn't really good. There are two data files. I'm not sure if that's a keychain or what.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ds1w,

    Just to make sure I understand: You have one vault in 1Password on your iPhone, and that syncs with Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain. You have 2 vaults in 1Password on your Mac, but you want to have all your data in the Primary vault, which is currently syncing with Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain. Also, it sounds like the 2nd vault on your Mac might be syncing with the same keychain in Dropbox as your iPhone. Is that all correct?

    If so, it should be very simple to merge it all together in the Primary vault on your Mac and iPhone. You can follow these steps:

    • First, as a precaution, you should save a backup of the 1Password data on your iPhone to your Mac by following these steps.
    • Next, open 1Password on your iPhone and go to Settings > Sync > Sync Service.
    • Tap Disable Sync and confirm you want to disable it.
    • Go back to Settings > Sync and choose Start Syncing > Sync with Dropbox.
    • When you see your Dropbox account name, tap on the name (do not tap on the 'i' icon).
    • When asked to choose a vault, choose /1Password/1Password.agilekeychain.
    • When you see the Vault Mismatch warning, tap More Info and then Merge These Vaults Anyway.

    That should get your Primary vault to be in sync between your Mac and iPhone. If so, you can delete the secondary vault on your Mac, assuming that just has duplicates of items which should now be in your Primary vault. You'll need to make sure you're in the secondary vault, then go to the menu for 1Password > Delete Vault.

    If you have any questions about that, just let us know - we're always happy to help!

  • ds1w
    Community Member

    thanks, i'm all set. i'm still not sure if a vault is the same as a keychain or the same as a data file. I had two vaults in 1password apparently using the same data file. They appeared to have the same data but that might be because they spawned from the same original. I deleted the secondary vault, have one data file now and i'm fine. I don't really think or know if i lost anything. thanks for your help.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ds1w,

    I'm happy to hear that all worked out. Sorry about the confusing terminology! Essentially, your data in 1Password is stored in a vault, and you can have multiple vaults. When you sync a vault with Dropbox, that creates a .agilekeychain file (aka "keychain") in your Dropbox account. We often refer to those keychain files as vaults, too.

    Anyway, it sounds like you're all set now, but we're always glad to help if you have more questions!

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