Dropbox Sync Not Pushing from 10.10.3 Mac

Community Member


I'm running 1Password on two Yosemite Macs and several iOS8 devices, and there's a problem syncing with one specific Mac. Everything's linked up properly and the vault sync partially works, except new items and edits specifically from one Mac don't get pushed out to other devices. Items created/edited on other devices do, however, make it to this troubled Mac.

Both Macs are running Dropbox 3.2.6 and 1Password 5.1 (510027) from the Mac App Store, and the troubled Mac (which doesn't push its new vault items) is running Yosemite 10.10.3 instead of its happier sibling's 10.10.2. That seems to be the only software difference.

I've been Dropbox-syncing other files without issue, so I'm puzzled as to what the problem could be. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • awillimd
    Community Member

    Same issue here. Only difference between between last night and now is the upgrade to Yosemite Beta 10.10.3. Spinning wheel says "Syncing - 2 files remaining". I don't have this problem on my MacBook Air (more or less same configuration as my MacBook Pro)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @matts & @awillimd,

    I've not looked at the beta for 10.10.3 yet so you could help us out a bit here. On your machines there is the local copy of your 1Password.agilekeychain and then there is the copy that is on the Dropbox server. The role of the Dropbox service on our machines is to ensure these two remain synced. So when you enable Dropbox Sync in 1Password all we're doing is passing the responsibility of keeping the 1Password.agilekeychain synced to Dropbox.

    You can use 1PasswordAnywhere to first view the copy of the 1Password.agilekeychain on Dropbox's servers (confirming the data hasn't been pushed) and then verify that the locally stored copy in your Dropbox does contain the updates. Now the locally stored copy is a little more difficult thanks to Local file restrictions in 1PasswordAnywhere but the link will show you how to navigate around that.

    If we know the updated files exist inside the 1Password.agilekeychain and that Dropbox isn't pushing those to their servers then we do have a problem. I'm not sure if there is much we'll be able to do, it might be we're reliant on Dropbox for the fix. As @matts said he could sync other files I wonder if it's related to the fact that ours is a bundle (specially treated folder). Certainly I know something isn't quite right in OS X at the moment, even with 10.10.2. Last week I was playing about with a couple of test .agilekeychains and Finder wasn't recognising that files had changed yet I could plainly see the existence of the new files if I worked from a terminal. I hope it isn't worse in 10.10.3 :(

  • matts
    Community Member

    Hey @littlebobbytables,

    I confirmed via 1PasswordAnywhere that the specific notes and logins are indeed missing from the keychain at dropbox.com, yet present on the Mac OSX 10.10.3 machine. A diff of the two keychains revealed a total of 12 changes in /data/default—4 changed .1password files and 8 new. Curiously enough, four of the new files are Dropbox's "conflicted copy" type. One is just another hash, while three are a conflicted "contents.js" file.

    I also noticed after reading your comments that adding and editing items on the 10.10.3 machine doesn't trigger the Dropbox client to sync as it normally would—at least there's no activity in the menu bar.

    It sounds like this confirms your findings of flakiness between OSX/Dropbox, but let me know if there's anything else I can do!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for reporting back @matts. It might not be Dropbox's fault given my observations in 10.10.2 but it is certainly something worth making sure Dropbox are aware of. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

  • matts
    Community Member

    Hey @littlebobbytables, I just upgraded to 10.10.3 (14D87h) last night and everything is now magically in sync again—those confirmed stuck items are now available in keychains across devices, and my All Items count is consistent. Whatever the problem, the new OSX build seemed to wipe it out for me!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Once again, thank you for keeping us informed @matts :smile: Hopefully it won't resurface but please post back if it does. I'll be happy if it's merely a blip in an OS X beta, especially one that has been resolved pretty quickly!

    @awillimd Do @matts observations match your own, have you found 10.10.3 (14D87h) resolves this too?

  • scooter12
    Community Member

    I just upgraded to 10.10.3 and my dropbox is not working. Continually says "downloading file list." But that's all it does. Ideas? Frustrating.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @scooter12,

    What version of the 10.10.3 beta are you running? As you see from above, @matts had some joy when he updated.

  • scooter12
    Community Member

    I have the latest version of 10.10.3 beta. In fact, I just upgraded again this morning (March 16). Still doing the same thing. Now it says "Indexing." But again, it never finishes.

  • matts
    Community Member
    edited March 2015

    Hey @scooter12 and @awillimd, it might help if you could post the specific version of the beta you're on (Apple → About This Mac → System Report... → Software, look for "System Version:"). The beta builds seem to come pretty frequently and I've continued to watch Finder/Dropbox performance differ between them.

    If nothing else, it may at least help the AgileBits folks keep an eye on things that are out of their control.

  • scooter12
    Community Member

    My current version is: OS X 10.10.3 (14D105g)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @scooter12,

    Just to confirm, the indexing message is in the Dropbox client, is that correct?

    Given this is associated with the beta I don't know if this will make any difference or not but this troubleshooting page, What do I do if Dropbox is stuck syncing, won't launch, or reports an error? may help. At the very least it would be good to know if it doesn't make any difference. If you were to try that guide I would recommend making sure 1Password isn't running at all which you can do by using the keyboard shortcut ⌃⌘Q from within 1Password to quit both 1Password and 1Password mini. That will hopefully bypass 1Password possibly complaining it can't find the sync data when you unlink Dropbox (which was one of the suggestions).

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