Feature request: Support for BitTorrent Sync

Community Member

Using clouds (eg. DropBox, Google etc.) to store our 1Password files, means we "give" our (crypted) files to 3rd party.

What about support for BitTorrent Sync (www.getsync.com), which has API, is 100% NOT in cloud, is crossplatform and is developped by a team that probably knows most about sync?



  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MojoDK,

    Sorry I'm a bit late to reply here, but thank you very much for your feedback & request! We do receive a lot of requests from users to add support for other sync services, and our developers have been exploring options. It's a bit more complicated than it may seem, but hopefully we'll have more options for you in the future. I can't make any promises of course, but I can definitely let our developers know you're interested in that.

    Thanks again! :)

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