Is it safe to leave 1Password active when I'm away from the computer?
On a Mac Mini desktop computer, is 1Password vulnerable when the app is running?
instead of waiting for my session to time out, I've been quitting 1Password when I leave the computer.
Is that necessary? Typing in my long password is a pain.
Is it safe to leave 1Password active when I'm away from the computer?
Should I worry about it be hacked and my password exposed?
I suppose this is really a personal choice that will depend upon how secure your machine is physically.
Is your computer in a public place, or perhaps an office that others could access? In those cases, I think it would be wise to close 1Password when you leave. Do you have your computer set to require a password when you return? If you do, then you might let 1Password stay opened, provided you're confident that no one can log in to your machine.
For myself, at home, I don't worry about locking 1Password when I walk away. But unless a home invader breaks in, I know who will have access. I do have my computer set to require a password when it wakes up after sleeping.
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Thanks for your input!
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Hi @red sky,
Just to let you know, depending on how you have your security options set, quitting 1Password may not be locking your vault.
For example, I don't have Lock when main window is closed enabled so quitting 1Password still leaves 1Password mini running. I use 1Password so much during the day this is what I want.
If you want a manual way to lock 1Password then in the General tab you'll see there is a configurable keyboard shortcut for locking 1Password. The default is set to
and that us a sure-fire way of ensuring 1Password is locked.There's a number of ways to make it work for you, if you have any questions regarding the different Security Preferences let us know :smile: