Autofill confuses fields, and I can't add a field.
1Password v4.4.3, OS X v10.9.5, Chrome v41.0.2272.89.
I'm trying to create auto-login items for the following two sites:
The first site asks for a userId and then alternates between birthdate and phone number. The login item should contain fields for both cases. I manually saved a new login for one of them but there doesn't seem to be a reasonable way to add the other. I had to edit the html to add the alternative field and then created the login item. There should be a "+" button to add a field on the login item web form details.
The second site has three form fields: "Name", "Login" and "Password". 1Password correctly creates the login item with the three fields but autofills the value for "Name" in both "Name" and "Login". These two fields share the same "id" in the html form, but have different names. I see no way to make it work. If 1Password uses the form id instead of the name, why is the name shown, and why is the id kept hidden and uneditable?
Hi @jhandl,
- At the moment you're correct, it isn't possible to easily create a single Login item that copes with the differing Login pages you may be presented with. My alternative route to yours was to create two Login items, one for each. I exported the two and copied the missing field from the Tel. case to the Date of Birth one. Both routes achieved the same goal but do involve a certain level of ingenuity. I'll add your voice to better control over the web form details request.
- I have some good news here. I was replicating your findings in not just the stable version but also the beta version which uses a new filling logic. Obviously that doesn't sound good but I took this to the devs that are working on this new logic and it turns out they've just today fixed a bug in Firefox that was stopping this page filling properly and that it works already in Chrome. I haven't tested Safari yet. Now for the moment this doesn't help you but if the next beta release does correct Firefox you could try the betas out yourself and see what you think.
ref: OPM-429